Prologue (Four years after the pre-prologue...)

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The three moons shone brightly in the sky. Three silver eggs lay in a nest high on a mountain peak. Two dragons, a NightWing and a SeaWing, stood beside the nest.

The one egg with a female dragonet inside listened to her parents' thoughts and the thoughts of her two brothers. She watched the flashes that appeared in her head without her wanting them to. She felt an unusual tingling in her claws.

"I can't believe this is happening, Skytoucher!" the female dragon, Mother, said excitedly. "Imagine all the POWER they will have! And what if one of them is an animus?" The realization hit the girl dragonet like a wave. That was what the tingling in her claws was: animus magic. And, according to the feelings from her brothers' minds, as well as the flashes that kept appearing in her mind, her brothers were animi, too. "They almost certainly will be animi," Skytoucher said. "I am an animus, and you have animus blood in your veins. It will be a huge disappointment if none of them have animus magic."

The moons were calling her. She heard their voices, soft and coaxing and gentle, urging her to emerge from her egg. Come out, little dragon. Come out. Your time has come. The dragonet decided to listen to the moons. She twisted and turned, fighting her way out of the egg. She kicked at the eggshell...and it shattered. The female dragonet was sitting in her nest, out of her egg, blinking. 

Her mother gasped. Her blue-green scales shone like jewels in the white light of the moons. The dragonet lifted her eyes to them, to the three white circles in the sky. They seemed to be congratulating her on her escape from the egg. 

"Skytoucher! Look how beautiful she is!" Mother said in a soft voice. "What will you name her?" Skytoucher asked. His face was a mask of indifference, but his mind was all nervous and worried and kept saying: please please please please be an animus. "I feel like she is an animus," Mother said slowly, "And I had an animus ancestor named Orca, so I will name her Orca." She extended her talons and Orca ran into them, snuggling up against her mother's warmth.

"The male eggs are hatching," Skytoucher announced after a few quiet minutes. Orca fixed her gaze on her brothers' eggs. According to the future, her brothers had the same powers as her. They could help her accomplish amazing things if they wanted to.

The eggs began to become covered in cracks. The male dragonets inside heard the moons calling. They wanted to stand beside their sister in the moonlight, absorbing all that power. Yes, yes, brothers, come out, come out. Orca was hoping they would escape, hoping that they would have the same abilities as her.

In a few seconds, two males were sitting in the nest, curiously surveying their surroundings. Seashell (that was Mother's name) named them Starcrafter and Dolphin. "They are perfect," Skytoucher said with a small smile as Seashell placed her only daughter in the nest beside her brothers. "I agree," Seashell said, leaning into the black dragon. "I agree."

Orca saw that Skytoucher could turn evil one day. She saw that he might try to do many terrible things. Well, she wouldn't let him. She and her brothers would keep him on the right path. We are the powerful ones. We can control the future. We can control you.

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