Chapter Two

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Orca was asleep. She wasn't dreaming, however: her mind was flicking around the school, dropping into the dreams of other dragons. 

Blizzard was dreaming about her, which Orca found really sweet. The IceWing princess was dreaming about her and Orca flying at night above the Ice Kingdom. Blizzard was showing Orca the most beautiful areas, and Orca was admiring them. 

Starcrafter was dreaming about standing on one of the moons and looking at the dragon planet from space. Dolphin was dreaming about swimming in the ocean with actual dolphins. A SkyWing named Maroon was dreaming about a troop of red SkyWings led by him into a cliff, followed by him screaming.

Mahogany's dream was the worst. Orca dropped into it about four hours after Blizzard's dream. She was dreaming of filling up a barrel with her venom and drowning Orca in it. Orca wished she had a dreamvisitor so she could actually talk to Mahogany and tell her that it was completely unnecessary to drown her in venom.

Orca woke up when her character in Mahogany's dream let out an undragonly scream. She shook herself. Blizzard was already awake. She was doing some kind of stretching routine. Orca picked up a small pebble laying on the floor. I enchant this pebble to send me a telepathic message telling me what time it is when I ask it to. "What time is it?" Orca whispered to the pebble. Two hours after midnight, the pebble said.

Orca looked curiously at Blizzard. The dragon didn't seem to notice that Orca was awake yet. "Blizzard," Orca said in a loud whisper to her clawmate, "Why are you up already?" Blizzard blinked and looked at her. "Back in the Ice Kingdom, I didn't sleep much. I used most of my time for training. I could train all I wanted, thanks to the gift of light. Now, it is an instinct to sleep for about four hours and then wake up."

Orca could not imagine getting such a little amount of sleep every day. She looked at the small satchel of string that she had brought with her so she could make weavings and the like. She pulled out a few strands of string and began to weave them into a bracelet. When she was done, she enchanted it: I enchant this bracelet so that when I am wearing it, I will never need to sleep and will always feel energized and awake. She slipped the bracelet on and instantly felt all her drowsiness melt away.

"Care to go flying?" Orca asked her clawmate. Blizzard beamed. "Sure!" she said. The two friends quietly went down the hallway. The fire globes on the walls blazed brightly. "Ugh," Blizzard said in a quiet voice. "Fire globes are so bright and annoying. Moon globes are so much better! You can adjust their brightness when you feel like it needs to be adjusted." 

Orca noticed that Blizzard did not seem to care if Orca read her mind. Blizzard knew about Orca's powers; apparently, Orca was already very famous as the "second coming of Darkstalker". 

The dragons emerged into the night. The cool, crisp air filled Orca's lungs. Two of the moons were full, and the third was a barely visible crescent. Orca smiled at the onyx-black sky, speckled with stars like her own wings. She couldn't wait to be up there, soaring and spreading her wings to their full extent. Nighttime filled her with joy. That was probably what she got from her NightWing father.

"Let's go!" Blizzard said. The moon-pale dragon was already hovering in the sky, waiting for her hybrid friend to join her. Orca followed Blizzard. The two flew together, their scales shining like silver and sapphires. 

Blizzard looked very similar to an IceWing: she had a pointed head, straight horns, serrated claws, pale blue and white scales, the extra spikes on the back of her head, and scales that radiated cold. However, she had gills like a SeaWing, webbing running down her back, luminescent scales, webbed talons, and blue-green eyes. Orca looked into the future. There were essentially no bad futures. But...there was one. One where Orca lost her necklace that defended her soul and didn't make another one. One where she used Blizzard to achieve evil deeds. One where Blizzard grew to not trust Orca. One where Orca made her scales invulnerable and her life immortal and killed Blizzard. The chance of that future coming true was so slim...yet it was still possible.

"Orca," Blizzard said, flying closer to Orca, "Do you have a crush on anyone?" Orca swiveled around to give her clawmate a wide-eyed stare. "It's only the first day of school!" Orca said. She looked into Blizzard's thoughts: the dragon did not seem sad or confused. She seemed...relieved. What? 

"Well," Blizzard said, "I saw a NightWing dragonet--that buff one from the Gold Winglet--look at you as if you were a chest filled with diamonds when we went to the library. What's his name again?" Orca smiled. "Blackout," she said. The dragonet was fairly handsome: with kind green eyes and shining scales. He wasn't too fat or too thin. He liked the same genre of scrolls as Orca. He was nice and sweet and ordinary, and there were no futures where he was evil.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Orca asked, carefully staying out of Blizzard's mind. She wanted to be surprised. "Uh," the IceWing/SeaWing said, tugging at the webs between her claws, "I do. But I knew him way back in the Ice Kingdom." "What's his name?" Orca asked curiously. "His name is Frost," Blizzard said. Orca nearly fell out of the sky. "FROST?" she asked. "That guy who was reading the Animus Histories scroll in the library?" 

She remembered Frost's brain: it was chilly and suspicious of everyone. He felt superior to every single dragon at the school except for Blizzard because she was in first place in the rankings. He was in second place. "He likes you back," Orca blurted. Blizzard grinned. "Really?" she asked excitedly. "Yes," Orca said. "You're the only one he doesn't feel suspicious of and doesn't feel superior to. You're the only one he doesn't seem to dislike. If it weren't for you, he would've left the school already." When the two dragons landed on the ledge in front of the entrance to the school, Blizzard gave Orca a fierce hug. "Thanks for telling me about Frost," she said in a rushed whisper. Orca gave her a half-smile. "You're welcome," she said. The two friends retired to their sleeping cave. Blizzard began to read the long scroll that she'd brought with her from the Ice Kingdom, and Orca returned to looking into other dragons' dreams.

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