Chapter Six

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The friends were flying in an area east of the talon peninsula in a storm. The storm was very dangerous. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Hailstones, raindrops, and snowflakes fell from the sky in an annoying mix. Orca felt pain slash her body. She thought she was a huge idiot for leaving her healing stick back at the academy. But she didn't want to use her magic too often: what if it painted her in Blizzard's eyes as a lazy dragon who couldn't live without any magical solutions?

"Ow!" Blizzard suddenly shouted. a huge hailstone had slashed part of her wing membrane. Blue blood trickled out of the wound and fell to the ground with the rain. Worse, there was no cave to hide in to wait out the storm. What would somebody with no animus magic do? Orca thought. "Hang tight, Blizzard!" she yelled. She helped steer her friend to the ground. They were on a tall cliff overhanging the sea. There was a thick layer of moss and dirt atop the cliff. Orca could dig in it to make a den. She dug as fast as she could. She made a den big enough for both of them. Blizzard was becoming faint from blood loss. Orca dragged her into the den.

She gently grabbed her friend's wing. "Heal," she whispered to it. The wound healed. Blizzard's breathing steadied. "Thank you," Blizzard said sincerely. Orca beamed at her. Then, the two heard something that sounded like somebody crash-landing, followed by an irritated hiss.

The two exchanged glances. They carefully crawled out of the den. There was a loud rustling sound, then silence. Orca narrowed her eyes, scanning the shadows. She could've sworn that something moved in the darkness, but maybe the rain falling into her eyes was making her see things. "Let's keep flying to the Kingdom of Sand?" Blizzard asked. "I won't get hurt if you're nearby. You and your awesome magic." Orca laughed and lifted off. 

The two flew for a while, but the wind kept blowing them out to sea. Orca was afraid they would lose one another. "We have to stay in the den until the storm is over!" Orca shouted. I hope she doesn't use her magic to fix this storm, Blizzard thought, clear as day. I don't think she's that weak. Orca was determined not to appear as weak. 

The two hybrids could not find a wind current leading them back to land. They did not want to go up too high for fear of losing vision of any land and being blown away to the ruins of Pantala. They had no choice but to fight the wind.

Orca's wings were growing sore. She beat them harder, fighting the pain. Blizzard was ahead of her. Her IceWing training had made her strong. Then, a dark shape flew at the IceWing princess. Orca saw a flash of sharp claws, sharp fangs, curved horns, and a prehensile tail before the dragon nearly threw Blizzard into the ocean. 

Orca roared her fury and lunged at the dragon who she assumed was a RainWing. This dragon was bigger than Mahogany or Lemon: about twenty years old. He felt him rake his claws along her side. She kicked him in the stomach and sank her teeth into his neck. He yelped and hit her over the head with her tail. Orca nearly dropped out of the sky. She saw Blizzard tackling their attacker. The attacker punched Blizzard out of the way and shot towards Orca. So Orca was his target. I won't use my magic to fight him until we are very close to dying, Orca resolved.

She ducked out of the way of the RainWing's clumsy punch. He leaped onto her back and threw her down, into the cliff. She landed on the top of the cliff, her stomach landing in a mud puddle. She sank her claws into the dirt to avoid sliding off, turned around, and flew up to help Blizzard.

In one swift move, the horrible RainWing had grabbed Blizzard, splatted venom onto her neck, and threw her towards the ocean. Blizzard was still fighting the currents, trying to fly up. Orca screamed and as the attacker tried to sink his claws into her eyes she breathed fire straight into his face. 

He let out a horrible shriek. His scales turned bright white streaked with black and red. He plummeted towards the water and nearly fell into the sea. He was only a few feet above the water and was flying up towards Orca again. 

Orca dove towards Blizzard. No. No. No. Please don't die. She grabbed her freezing friend and pointed at the cliff. "Cliff, make a cave materialize in you that will be big enough for Blizzard and me to stand in." The cliff instantly obeyed. Orca dragged her friend into the cave. Her ferocious friend was still not giving up. 

She wrapped her wings around Blizzard. She felt her blue blood cover her talons and tail. She felt Blizzard's dying heartbeat drumming against her scales. "Save her life, Orca said, clutching a small stone that was lying near her. "Save my best friend's life. Heal her." Blizzard's breathing became less ragged. "Orca," she whispered, leaning into Orca. "I'm here, friend," Orca said, running her talons gently over the spikes on the back of Blizzard's head. "I saved you again. With my magic." Blizzard laughed. "You idiot," she said affectionately. "Why did you have to be born with the powers that dragged us into this mess?" "You're the idiot," Orca retorted, with just as much affection. "You're the one who WASN'T born with animus magic." Blizzard squeezed Orca's talons. "Thank you for existing," the IceWing princess said. "Thank you for existing," Orca said to her. 

They heard a glacier-splitting roar. They edged towards the entrance of the cave. Two shapes were fighting the injured RainWing. One of them, Orca realized with little surprise, was Frost. He was the one who had roared. Beside him, barely visible, nearly as dark as the cloudy sky, was Blackout. He's fighting for me. He and Frost are fighting for me and Blizzard. She found herself hoping they wouldn't die, although she hardly knew them. 

After resultless claw-to-claw combat, the two male dragons used a different strategy. Blackout breathed fire and Frost breathed frostbreath into the RainWing's wings. It was miraculous that he had survived Orca's fireburst to his face, but the additional pain in his wings was too much. He dropped into the ocean like a stone. 

"They're over there!" Orca heard Blackout yell over the thunder and falling hailstones, pointing at the cave Orca had created. Frost and Blackout winged towards them. "Blizzard!" Frost shouted.

He put on a burst of speed and landed in the middle of the cave. He hugged Blizzard tightly. "Ugh, stop! You're so undignified!" Blizzard said. Orca could hear the smile in her voice, however. "Who cares about dignity?" Frost asked, helping Blizzard stand up. "You're alive. That's all that matters." 

Blackout was walking towards Orca. "Orca! You're safe!" he said. "You guys are so useless," Blizzard said. "Why didn't you help us earlier?" Frost was silent. Because you would be worried for us. Because you would be distracted from just fighting that accursed RainWing and would keep checking to make sure we were safe. We would just put you in more danger, his mind said.

Blackout grabbed Orca's talons. "Orca," he said. "You may not remember this, but I remember it as if it was yesterday. Remember when you visited the Night Kingdom when you were one year old and Darkness held that party?" Orca nodded. She remembered NightWings dancing, NightWings eating, NightWings drinking, NightWings everywhere. "You are a very good dancer. You also are very funny. Do you remember when everybody laughed at your jokes, even the oldest dragons?"

Orca cracked a smile. "Yes," she said. "I like funny dragons and talented dragons," Blackout said. "And you are exactly all of that. So...can you accept this gift?" Orca noticed that his silver neckband had a pouch hanging from it. He rummaged around in it for a moment, and then pulled out a bracelet.

It was made like his neckband: silver and studded with amethyst stones. However, in between the amethyst stones, there were small diamonds. Orca could see them clearly with her SeaWing night vision. "Wow, Blackout," Orca said softly, slipping the bracelet onto her wrist. "This must've been very expensive. I can't believe you bought this for me." Blackout grinned. "I did, and I will buy you thousands of millions more of these bracelets if it makes you happy." Orca was happy. For the briefest second, she forgot about rescuing her brothers and the raging storm outside. She forgot about the fact that the cave that was meant for two dragons was packed with four. She forgot about the dead RainWing in the ocean. She just kept running her claws over the bracelet, the intensely expensive bracelet that Blackout had bought just for her.

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