Chapter Ten

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"I enchant this stick to turn into a huge platform high in the sky that will fit every single dragon in Pyrrhia comfortably and will have a pedestal for me to stand on," Orca ordered a stick. The stick leaped into the sky and turned into a white marble platform. Orca ripped up a blade of grass. "Make it daytime," she said. The moons vanished, as did the stars. The sun was in the sky, bright and blazing. She picked up a talonful of dirt. "Teleport me and my friends and my brothers to the pedestal."

They were standing on the platform a second later, the chilly air filling their lungs. The platform spread out in front of them, endless-seeming and vast. "Enchant this pedestal so that when I speak from it, every single dragon on this platform will clearly hear my voice." She felt a part of her magic flow into the platform. This is the best solution. This. I don't have to murder anyone or set cities on fire. 

"I enchant this whole platform so that every dragon in Pyrrhia is teleported here in positions that they will be comfortable standing in, unable to talk, unable to move, only able to listen." Suddenly the empty white platform was filled with colorful dragons, ranging from black to silvery white. Somewhere in that crowd was her father, her mother, the queens of the tribes. She saw SilkWings, HiveWings, LeafWings, hybrids, tribrids, handicapped dragons, skinny dragons, fat dragons, every single dragon in Pyrrhia.

Orca's eyes fixed onto a wisp of cloud. "I enchant that cloud so that every dragon in front of me will be able to read my mind and my emotions." She summoned a leaf. "Leaf, I enchant you to speak the truth. I enchant you to speak the most probable future of me so all these dragons can understand who I really am."

The leaf spoke, in a clear imitation of Orca's voice, loud enough to carry to the other side of the vast platform. "Orca is not evil," the leaf spoke. "She does not feel entitled to use her magic to take over the world. She wants to use her magic to help other dragons, to heal wounds, to prevent wars. She will never go insane. Her necklace and the way she uses her magic for good prevent that. The future of her turning evil is so slim. Watch this. This is the most probable of Orca's futures." A picture appeared above Orca's head (something we humans call a video). It was showing the future of the thrice-moon-born dragonet who had summoned every dragon to this platform so they could see the truth.

Orca twisted around to see what they were seeing, although she knew perfectly well that she could peer into her future. There was Orca, helping a dragonet whose favorite ceramic vase had broken fix it again. There was Orca, purifying a river that poisoned all who drank from it. Orca, studying at Jade Mountain with her friends, not using her magic, happy. The future showed and showed, and not once did Orca kill anyone or use her power horribly. She married Blackout and had dragonets with him, two tiny, powerless dragonets, and they filled her life with joy and laughter every day. No death. No blood. Just blissful happiness.

"Orca will not make the mistakes Darkstalker did," the leaf concluded. "She is trustworthy and kind, her soul is protected, and having the same powers as Darkstalker does not make her evil." "Thank you, leaf, for showing all these dragons the truth," Orca said. "Now, teleport them back to where they were before they were summoned here, return them the ability to speak and move, and give them a clear, permanent memory of what was spoken here. Above all else, remove this platform and pedestal from the sky after everyone is gone and teleport me, my friends, and my brothers back to Jade Mountain." 

She was standing at Jade Mountain, this time in a group of dragons she knew very well--and loved. Blackout was standing right beside her, so close that she could hear his heartbeat. "Orca," he said, turning her around. She looked into his warm green eyes that were like two treetops, soft and warmed by the sun. "Yes?" Orca asked him, feeling that she would know what he was about to say. "I love you," he said with a small smile. "You are so smart. You came up with an incredibly clever solution to show the world who you really are. You are amazing." With this he folded his wings around her, enveloping Orca in warmth.

"Oh, my goodness," Orca said, her voice fluttering and shaking. She smiled up at him. "I know that you do," she admitted, grabbing one of his talons. "You risked so much for me, idiot." He laughed a nice, full, laugh that Orca thought was more beautiful than any music. "Yeah," he said. "Now, let's go into the school. We have a lot to learn." Blizzard came over and twisted her tail around Orca's. Frost had a wing over her, and he was grinning.

"Yes, let's go into the school," Orca said. "Catastrophe averted. Brothers saved. Everyone is happy. Now, we can do anything we want." 

The group walked inside the school, and happiness filled Orca's heart. Everything is awesome. Everything is perfect. She was never going to kill anyone, she was never going to capture anyone, her life would be exciting and nice. They went to their class, diving into a world of peace and learning.

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