Chapter One

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Four-year-old Orca was in the sky, waiting for her slowpoke family to get ready. Today was the day she and her brothers were going to Jade Mountain Academy. 

The academy which was founded hundreds of years ago was very successful. The descendants of Sunny, Starflight, Tsunami, and Clay were the main staff members. They had hired other dragons to help run the academy. The school had added several winglets so that more students could attend. The queens of Pyrrhia were satisfied with the kind, peaceful students the school produced. Dragonets all over Pyrrhia were clamoring to enroll.

"Come ON, you guys!" Orca yelled down at her family. "Do you want me to enchant something to make you guys faster?" It would be very stupid if she wasted magic on frivolous things like that, Skytoucher's mind grumbled. Orca felt her necklace thumping against her chest. It was made of small seashells and pebbles strung onto a black wire. She had enchanted it to protect her soul so she would be able to use her magic as much as she wanted with no consequences. You're thinking stupid things, Father. I can't waste my magic. That's impossible.

"HURRY UUUUUUUUUUUUP!" Orca yelled, even louder this time. "You unnecessarily loud idiot," Starcrafter said affectionately, flying up to hover beside her. Dolphin was right behind him. A few seconds later, the siblings were joined by their parents. "FINALLY!" Orca said. She darted forward, spinning and twisting in the sky. Flying was like swimming, in a way. There were also currents, only wind currents instead of water currents, and the birds that occasionally flew by were like fish.

"Are you excited about school?" Seashell asked. "Naturally," Orca said, doing a large flip. "I'm going to help EVERYONE with my magic. Nobody will EVER get hurt. If anyone has any injuries, I will fix them. Starcrafter and Dolphin can help, too." "Just don't use your magic to cheat on tests," Seashell warned. Orca barked a laugh and shot ahead of her family.

After some time, they arrived at Jade Mountain. The ledge in front of the entrance cave was stuffed with dragons; families saying goodbye, and friends saying hello. Orca found a spot that wasn't covered in dragons and beckoned for her family to follow her. 

She wasn't troubled by the tons of thoughts: she had trained herself to silence the voices by slipping them into the sound of ocean waves. Her mother had taken her to the ocean a few times in the four years of her life. Orca hadn't inherited gills, just webbed talons, so she couldn't visit the Deep Palace. However, she loved the ocean just like a SeaWing. She loved the smell of salt and the sparkling water and the music of the waves.

A dark purple dragon, one of the dragons hired to help run the academy, was standing at the entrance beside a rack of scrolls, drumming her claws on the rock below her. "Okay," Skytoucher said. "Here are some rules to follow: don't copy test answers, don't use your animus magic to cheat on anything, don't use your animus magic to hurt anyone, and respect anyone who doesn't want to have their minds read. Understood?" "Yes, Father," Orca and her brothers chorused. "Very well," Seashell said. "Goodbye, my little moonbeams. Enjoy school and see you when summer break begins!" The three dragonets nodded and ran to the dark purple dragon.


Orca found her sleeping cave very fast. She was in one of the new winglets, the Amethyst Winglet. Her clawmate was an IceWing princess named Blizzard, the daughter of Queen Coldwind and her SeaWing husband, Current.

"Hello," Orca said cheerfully to Blizzard when she entered. The IceWing was curled up on her bed, which was a ledge of stone covered in a layer of ice. "Hello," Blizzard said, lifting her head. "You must be Orca, yes?" "Yes," Orca said. "Is it true that you are the second coming of Darkstalker?" Blizzard asked. Orca flared the spines running down her back. Was that what dragons really thought of her? Did they seriously think that she was the second coming of Darkstalker?

She took a deep breath. "Well," Orca said, "I do have the same powers as him, I also have an animus father and a powerless mother, but unlike him I am female, I have two brothers, I am a NightWing/SeaWing and I am not plotting to steal any thrones." Blizzard's sky-blue eyes looked amused.

"Good to know," the IceWing said with a small smile. "Are your brothers Starcrafter and Dolphin?" HOW did this dragon KNOW SO MUCH? "Yes," Orca said. "Starcrafter is in the Silver Winglet and Dolphin is in the Lapis Winglet." Blizzard got off of her ledge. She shook out her wings, sending a wave of cold over Orca, and extended one of her talons with wickedly sharp claws. Orca peeked into her mind. The princess was expecting her to shake her talon. Orca took the cold talon and shook it. 

"Let's be friends," the IceWing offered. "I mean, that's kind of the whole point of this place, right? And we will be stuck in a cave together until summer break, so we might as well, yes?" Orca laughed. "Sure," she agreed.

They heard footsteps and looked curiously outside. Two female RainWings were coming down the hallway, their scales bright pink and yellow. They were making fun of dragons that happened to be passing by and laughing. That's rude, Orca thought. She stepped out of the cave and spread her wings, blocking their path.

"Get out of the way!" one of the RainWings said. Her face was still crinkled up in a smile. However, when she looked into Orca's face, her smile faded and was replaced with a scowl. Dark red bubbled across her scales. "Lemon, this is the second coming of Darkstalker." The other RainWing's head snapped up, and her scales turned black. "Darkstalker was a monster," she hissed, lashing her prehensile tail back and forth. "He came up with enchanting dragons like inanimate objects! He was a horrible dragon! No doubt you are, too." Her mind, which had just been focused on fiercely liking the other RainWing, became hostile and resentful.

"It was really not nice what you were saying about the dragons who were passing by," Orca said in a calm voice. She desperately wanted to roar at these dragons. Despite them being also four years old, she was bigger than them. She could do ANYTHING to them. However, her father's rules kept repeating themselves in her head, and she wanted to follow them.

"You should go find all of them and apologize unless you want to make some enemies." The RainWing who had called Orca the second coming of Darkstalker (whose name was Mahogany) snorted. "Those dragons are completely useless," she scoffed. "They were all taught to be soft kind 24/7 and most likely know NOTHING about enemies." 

Noticing the look on Orca's face, however, Mahogany said: "But, uh, if you want us to, we'll go say sorry to them. Yes. Lemon, let's go." The two RainWings sprinted away as fast as they could. "Wow," Blizzard said. "Those were some weird RainWings. All mean and vengeful." Orca laughed. "Enough sarcasm," she said. "Would you like to go to the library?" Blizzard nodded. The two new friends scampered down the hallway, laughing as they nearly crashed into dragons. I love school, Orca resolved as she sat in the library beside her new friend, reading a scroll. I didn't have to use my magic yet, and I already made a new friend. Everything will be all right.

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