Chapter Seven

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After Blackout gave her the bracelet, Orca expanded the cave so that the four of them could comfortably lay down and sleep. When the quartet woke up the next morning, the sun was shining in a bright blue, cloudless sky. It was as if the storm had never even existed.

They flew out of the cave, stretching their wings to their fullest, spinning and diving and soaring and enjoying life. They began their journey to the Kingdom of Sand. Orca was somewhat concerned about bringing Frost and Blackout with them since they would be putting their lives at risk, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Look! Sand!" Blackout exclaimed triumphantly after several hours of flying. "This high temperature is unsuitable for IceWings," Frost said. He shot Orca a look. "Perhaps our animus friend with a protected soul can make something so that our bodies are always at the perfect temperature?" 

Orca conjured up two earrings. "I enchant these earrings so that the wearer's body will always be at the perfect temperature." She handed one of the earrings to Frost and the other one to Blizzard. When the two put their earrings on, unmistakable smiles of relief crept over their faces.

" we fly around looking for a palace that isn't Queen Prick's?" Blackout asked. "What else do we do?" Blizzard asked, scanning the ground. 

They flew to Possibility to rest after sunset. Some dragons were out partying, others were asleep like normal dragons. Orca found a SkyWing with dull orange scales and lemon-yellow eyes. "Hello," she said, speaking politely. His thoughts were focused on hating SeaWings for the massacre of Princess Sunset a long time ago. Noticing the fact that Blizzard had gills and that Orca had blue scales and webbed talons, more smoke hissed out of his nostrils. "What do you want?" he snapped, lashing his tail. "We would like a place to stay overnight. Can that be arranged?" Frost asked. His voice was sharp and demanding. He sounded like he was the king of the Ice Kingdom speaking to a low-ranked dragon.

"Fine," the SkyWing spat. "I'm not letting you stay in my house, but there is a hotel down know what, I'll just give you a map." He stormed into his house and emerged holding a small square piece of paper which he thrust at Frost. The hotel on the map was marked with an X. "Thank you very much," Blackout said sincerely. The SkyWing rolled his eyes and slammed the door in their faces.

"So," Blizzard said casually. "That was a friendly SkyWing, right, guys?" Blackout snorted. "Yep. Friendliest in the world," Orca said sarcastically. "Let's just go to this hotel," Frost said briskly. "NightWing bloke, I see you're so tired that you will willingly claw your eyes out. Come on, hurry."

Blackout looked offended at being called a bloke, but bowed his head and hurried after Frost.

The quartet arrived at the hotel. It was fancy and was guarded by a bored-looking SandWing who kept yawning and thinking about various desserts. "Sir!" Blackout yelled, running closer to him. "Sir, is the hotel full?" The guard yawned again. "I don't know," he mumbled drowsily. "Ask Phoenix. She's inside." 

Phoenix was a SkyWing, big and bright orange, with kind amber eyes. She looked awake and alert, unlike the guard outside. "Hello!" she said cheerfully as the quartet entered. "How may I help you?" 

"We would like one room," Blackout said. "One room for the four of you?" Phoenix asked. "Yes. We don't mind. We just need to stay for one night," Blizzard said. Orca grabbed a feather that was lying on the ground and turned it into a small sack filled with emeralds. " emeralds, please!" Phoenix said, checking something off on a scroll. Orca grabbed seven emeralds out of the sack and handed them to Phoenix. "Thank you and enjoy your stay!" Phoenix said with a bright smile. She gave them a small piece of paper with C9 scribbled on it. 

The group walked up the stairs to room "C9". They went inside. It was a splendid room. Frost and Blackout instantly nodded off, exhausted. Blizzard and Orca, however, went outside. They stood on the large balcony.

"Orca," Blizzard said quietly. "Do you want to know something?" Her brain was constantly slamming an iceberg over her thoughts, so Orca stayed out of it. "What?" Orca wondered. "I...I think I might be an animus," Blizzard said, looking at the sky. Orca's eyes widened. "Why do you think so?" she asked. 

"There is a test in the Ice Kingdom to find animus dragons," Blizzard said. "I didn't take it because I didn't want to know if I had animus magic or not. If I did, then everyone would treat me even more special than I was already being treated, and I didn't want that. But I have this...feeling, you know? I haven't done any magic yet, though. I want you to know right away if I am an animus or not." She looked at a palm tree that was growing on the ground below the balcony. "Palm tree," she said. "I enchant one of your leaves to rip itself off, fly up and land in my talons." To Orca's great shock, the palm leaf obeyed.

"Necklace," Orca ordered her necklace, "Duplicate yourself. Make your duplicate have the identical enchantment that you have." A second necklace appeared and Orca gave it to Blizzard. "Put that on right now," Orca told her. "Your soul needs to be safe." Blizzard accepted the necklace and put it on. "Congrats on being an animus," Orca said with a grin. "Don't tell anyone, Orca. Please. Especially--" her voice broke. "Especially my mother. She will think I knew all along that I was an animus and just didn't want to give a gift to my tribe. She will hate me forever if you tell her, Orca. Please--" "Calm down," Orca said, grabbing one of Blizzard's talons. "I won't tell your mother." Blizzard gave Orca a grateful smile, and they spent the rest of the night flying under the moons.

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