Chapter Nine

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They followed Blizzard into the tunnel. Orca's night vision was exceptional since both NightWings and SeaWings could see well in the dark. Frost and Blizzard were having trouble. "Let me and Blackout take the lead," Orca finally whispered to her friend after Blizzard had slowed down several times. "Okay," Blizzard whispered back. She stepped aside, allowing Orca and Blackout to go first.

When Orca began hearing loud voices, her heart began to beat faster. "Alright! Time for you to rest!" a cheery voice said. No answer followed. "Starcrafter," Dolphin whispered. At least, Orca thought it was Dolphin. His voice was all crackly and broken and shaky. His voice made Orca's stomach twist in pain. "Starcrafter, this is awful!" Dolphin croaked. Starcrafter sighed. "I know it is, brother," he said quietly. "But...WAIT!" There was a pause. "I feel--I hear Orca's mind!" "Really?" Dolphin asked excitedly. I'm here, brothers, Orca sent a telepathic message to them, I'm coming to rescue you. Be quiet, though. Don't let anyone know that I'm here. 

The quartet exited the tunnel. Dolphin suppressed a scream of joy. Orca was horrified at her brothers' looks. They were covered in bruises and scars. They looked starved. They had deep hollows under their eyes. "Come," Orca whispered, gesturing towards the tunnels. "HEY!" someone yelled. "BRIGHTSTING! THE PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!" A quintet of guards was hurrying over, led by a large SandWing embedded everywhere with gems and with his ridge dyed in spots.

"Get them!" the SandWing ordered. ORCA! DON'T TRY USING YOUR MAGIC! MAGIC DOESN'T WORK HERE! Starcrafter screamed inside his head. One of the guards unlocked the door. Orca sprang at their leader. She felt excitement at the prospect of scaring everyone, but this had to be done. She slit the SandWing's throat and he fell to the ground with a thud. The guards screamed and tried attacking Orca. She kicked one in the face and slammed her tail into the chest of another, causing him to snort blood out his nose. She breathed a jet of fire at a third and clawed the faces of the other two. They all fell to the ground. Dead. Blood pooled around Orca's talons, and she felt a blast of fear and satisfaction. Is the satisfaction bad? Orca wondered. Does that mean I am a monster?  "Let's leave before someone else finds us," Orca ordered her staring friends and brothers.

They ran into the tunnel, Orca's talons leaving bloody prints on the ground. Soon we will be flying, though, Orca reminded herself. They'll have no idea where we've gone. 


Nighttime had come again. The group was sitting around a campfire. Blizzard and Frost were eating raw fish they had caught from the river near Possibility. Blackout, Orca and her brothers were eating squirrels that Orca had caught for them. The night was surprisingly silent. The only sound was the crackling of the fire.

"Thanks for rescuing us," Starcrafter thanked his sister, putting a wing over her. "Yeah, Orca," Dolphin agreed. "You have no clue how we were tortured." Orca stared at her talons--her talons that still had smudges of red on them here and there from the guards. "I want something to read," Blackout said longingly. "I can go to Possibility and find news scrolls for us," Frost offered. "Yes, please go," Blackout said. The IceWing lifted off. "Who will be selling news scrolls at night?" Starcrafter scoffed. "He can steal them," Orca said with a shrug. They did not speak until Frost returned, carrying a few scrolls.

Orca unrolled her scroll--and her heart nearly stopped.


Brightsting was a dragon who took payment in exchange for animus services. He had been paid by two RainWings to capture the two brothers of Orca, commonly known as 'the second coming of Darkstalker' for her intelligence and power. Her brothers have the same powers, but they are not as intelligent.

Orca, along with two IceWings and a NightWing, barged into the palace. They were there to help the prisoners escape. A guard informed everyone of their arrival and a quintet of guards along with Brightsting himself went out to try and stop Orca and her gang. It is unknown why Brightsting did not use his magic to capture the quartet--it is suspected that Orca used her own magic to defend herself from him.

It is now obvious that Orca is as dangerous as her forebear. Yes, Darkstalker is an ancestor of Orca: her father is descended from Whiteout, who is Darkstalker's sister.

"I was scairt outta my scales," one guard from Brightsting's palace recalls. "I woulda helped Boss fight 'em, but I was too scairt of her. I kept thinkin' that she'd use 'er magic on me, so I hid." 

Anybody who succeeds in the act of capturing Orca and bringing her into the Possibility News Association without her killing anyone will be rewarded with three-fourths of the treasury of the Possibility News Association. CAPTURE THE SECOND COMING OF DARKSTALKER AND EARN YOURSELF TREASURE!!!!!!!!!!!! 

P.S. You will get three-fourths and one-half of a fourth of the treasury if you bring in Orca AND her brothers!

"Wow," Blizzard said sympathetically. She laid her tail over Orca's. "I will make sure no one catches you," Starcrafter said fiercely. Orca gave him a small smile. "I will cast a spell on myself so nothing will ever hurt me," she said calmly. "I enchant my scales to protect me from any kind of harm and make sure nobody can ever capture me. Copy this spell onto my brothers."

"Orca," Blackout said worriedly, "Isn't casting that spell making you more than Darkstalker?" Orca remembered the feeling of blood on her talons. She remembered slashing her claws against scales. She remembered the death. The power. The power to destroy. The power to fight. The power to stay alive forever. But then she remembered Blizzard's hopes: she hoped that Orca would be able to solve problems without magic. I will be that dragon. For her and everyone else. 

Frost's eyes were shining. "Why don't you just cast a spell so dragons know that you're not the second coming of Darkstalker?" Orca laughed. "Because then I will be just like him," she said. "Changing other dragons' feelings." Frost's gaze fell. 

"I have a slightly magical solution," Orca said after a few seconds. "It will make dragons see the truth without anyone's brains forced to think so."

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