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Once nothing was said from either of them I realized that they didn't even hear me, and that they were to into what they were doing to even realize that I was there. I quietly walked past them but couldn't help but glance at them as I did, Jen had Rei pinned underneath her and had on what looked like a strap on. I only know what it looks like because I bought Rei one for Christmas a couple years ago after she came out to me as a gag gift, we laughed about it for so long. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that's what Jen had on - and I'm not even going to lie, she was rearranging something... if you know what I mean. They both moaned loudly and it scared me, so I quietly turned and ran up the steps and into my room before they saw me.

I slipped out of my dress and into some more comfortable clothes, I put on some quiet music and decided to read a book that Rei had bought me a few weeks back. It was a medical mystery book, which she knows I love. I made sure I stayed quiet though because I didn't want them to know I was here. I could faintly hear them still but it didn't really bother me too much to be honest with you, I mean it's a normal thing. I also know that they would both probably be really embarrassed if they knew I was home right now, let alone walked in on them without them even knowing because they were so into it. Soon after though the noises stopped, and I heard Reilly's shower running, then I heard laughing which meant they were in there together, oh boy.

I blocked out as much as I could and read my book to occupy myself.

"I want you to fuck me like you hate me." I heard Rei's voice say.

I spit out the water I was drinking and my jaw dropped.

They aren't as innocent and shy as I thought they were, holy shit.

Nothing else was said, but Jen listened because things got very loud after that, and it was even louder because both of our rooms were up stairs. It lasted for almost 30 minutes and I was surprised, have to give them credit though. Soon after though I heard them talking as they walked down the hallway, then the front door opened and shut. I knew Jen was gone now so I was going to go downstairs and scare the shit out of her but then I heard running, Rei was running up the stairs and she opened my bedroom door not even noticing me. She walked over to my closet and pulled one of my vibrators out of her pocket, it was one you put on your finger.

"I really would like to hope that you washed that first before putting it back." I said.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST LEX!" She yelled and literally fell.

I laughed hard.

"I'm so sorry but that was the funniest thing ever." I told her.

She sat on the end of my bed and went to say something to me but stopped.

"Wait a damn minute..." She turned beat red.

"I am terrified to ask you this question, how... how long have you been home?" She asked.

"Two things, make sure you clean that strap on really good, don't want it still dirty for next time & second, does she still hate you?" I asked, slowly looking up from my book and making eye contact with her.

"Oh my god... holy shit... you.." She couldn't form a sentence.

"Listen, I said something when I walked into the house but you two were way too into fucking to even notice. You both looked like you were enjoying it though. & how was the shower sex? I haven't had that yet." I asked.

"Oh my god.." She laughed. "I am so sorry... & if you must know, it was great." She added.

"Definitely sounded like it." I chuckled.

"You're never going to let me live this down are you?" She asked me.

"Oh no way am I letting you live this down. I was going to ask about your night when I got home but I didn't need too. Do you want to know about mine?" I chuckled.

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