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*Sunday Morning*
"Good morning, beautiful." He said as I rolled over into him.

"Good morning, handsome." I replied.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

"I slept like a rock. Thanks to you holding me, and the constant remind that you asked me to marry you." I told him.

"I'm glad that made you so happy." He smiled.

I looked down to see my finger bare, I panicked a little bit.

"It's okay, it's on the nightstand. You crashed pretty hard once we got into bed last night darling." He reassured me.

"Okay good. I thought I already lost it, I would've cried." I chuckled.

"Me too." He laughed.

I shook my head, he was being silly.

"Plans for today?" I asked, slowly getting out of bed.

"I have some stuff I have to look over before tomorrow, and then have to print out some music sheets and make copies and all that good stuff." He told me.

"That sounds so fun." I sarcastically said.

"Loads, baby." He chuckled.

"Well, if you wanna go ahead and do that you can that's up to you. I'm sure I can find a reason to bug Rei today." I told him.

He chuckled.

"I probably will. Give you some time to have your girl talk about your ring and all that fun wedding stuff." He smiled.

I smiled back and threw him his shirt.

"Well why don't you come down and at least eat some breakfast before you go." I told him.

He nodded and got up, slipping his shirt on over his head. He followed me downstairs where we found Jen and Rei in the kitchen.

"Morning you two. How're you guys?" Rei asked.

"We're good. This ones still super happy, she can't stop messing with her ring." Josh told her.

I blushed. Still messing with my ring on my finger.

"It was so freaking hard to keep that secret from you because you know we tell each other everything." Rei said as she sat a plate of bacon & sausage patties on the table.

I chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you kept it an secret." I smiled at her.

We had breakfast sandwiches, or burritos, whichever we were feeling.

"Alright, I should probably head out. I'll see you tomorrow at school okay?" He said.

"I will see you tomorrow. I love you, handsome." I told him.

"I love you too, beautiful." He said.

He kissed my lips and then left.

"You two and too damn cute." Jen piped up.

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