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Warning: light sexual allusion, mention of her past trauma.

Photo by Soragrit Wongsa on Unsplash


Lying on her stomach, still naked from the night before, Chloe is immersed in her book. He's sleeping, she believes. She is so captivated by her story that she didn't realize that he is awake and observing her, with that look that only lovers have in the early morning, still amazed that the creature that inhabit their dreams is by their side.

Gently, as if to prevent her from escaping him, he leans towards her and puts his lips on her back, delicately, one kiss after another. She tries to stay focused on the story despite this mouth running through her, this beard stroking her skin, this lover regaining his passion.

Having reached her neck, he gently spread her hair to reach the skin now exposed. She shivers at the kisses and can't help but moan as he whispers in her ear. She closes her book. To hell with the adventures of these paper characters, the man of flesh near her offers her a much better one.


Laughter escape from the bar as the evening is well advanced. Seated at the tables, conversations are rife as they have a drink with other members of the community. There is a silence. Chloe sighs as she plays with her beer.

"When I think all over the country there are some who are stuck in QZ, not being allowed to leave their homes while we are there like nothing has happened. 'Seems surreal.

-I always forget you guys lived there."

Derek comments, he who has only known life in Jackson. Around the table tonight, only the Millers and Chloe have known life in QZ. Tommy comments.

"I sure don't miss curfew.

-Me neither. And this message that they broadcast to us constantly. Attention. Curfew is now in full effect. Anyone caught outside without proper authorization will be arrested and prosecuted." Joel ends the sentence with her. She looks at him with a smile.

"You had the same message in Boston I see.


-What was the other one? Harboring or aiding wanted criminals is punishable by death. Do not place yourself at risk. Report any... Weird business?

-Any suspicious activity.

-Ah yeah. Any suspicious activity. What a joke. The whole town was a suspicious activity. If they had to enforce the law to the letter, they wouldn't have had enough bullets to shoot us all."

Tommy and Joel are the only one to chuckle lightly upon hearing this. They know better than anyone the kind of suspicious activity that can be carried out in QZ. Rebellion, smuggling, the two brothers had seen it all. Joel gazes into Chloe's eyes, seated at the other end of the table. They exchange a tender and knowing smile. An exchange that does not escape Susan. The woman raises a smirk and questions Chloe, hoping to put her on the spot in front of Joel.

"What kind of suspicious activity were you doing?"

Chloe's gaze changes as she gauges the woman. Redhead, late forties. And, even if the young woman has difficulty admitting it, terribly attractive. The older woman has beautiful green eyes that she constantly keeps glued to Joel. Much to the annoyance of the young woman.

She grits her teeth. She knows there is nothing she can do. She can't kiss him to show they are together. She can't even play footsie under the table to remind him of her presence. She just has to wait for it to pass, seeing this woman put her hand on Joel's arm, laugh out loud at the slightest remark, and play with her hair like a teenage girl.

Dark Paradise - Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now