A smell of burnt

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Once again : lyrics that are centered and between || are the one sang by Chloe. If they're on the right, it's just what they're listening to at the moment of the scene.

Thanks for the read, the story as reached 200 views. It's not a lot compare to a lot of stories around here, but I'm still glad I got so many of them, so thank you :) 

Photo by Gary Ellis on Unsplash


A strong smell of burnt greets Joel when he comes home. Worried, he rushes into the kitchen where smoke seems to be rising. He finds Chloe, swearing all she can as she pulls a charred dish out of the oven. His worry gone, a mocking smile appears on his lips. It's time to give her some change. Karma. He starts teasing her.

"What? How could you burn your dish? It's so simple."

She decides to ignore him, trying to save what may be from this failed dinner. She had been inattentive for barely a moment, and here was the result.

"But it's so easy" He's now speaking roughly mimicking her voice. She turns around, looking annoyed.

"You're done?

-Truly, I don't get it.''

That he tries to speak like her is probably what bothers her the most. Impulsively, she throws her soaked towel in his face.

"Ok, you're going to regret that."

He gives her a mock threatening look and she realizes she has to run. Without hesitating, she heads for the laundry room and flees through the garden. She hides behind the gate and throws a snowball at her pursuer, before setting off again through the greenhouses, deserted at this late hour of the afternoon.

Hidden behind one of the structures, she remains on alert. But she no longer sees him, no longer hears him. Has he given up? Suddenly, she feels her body capsize. He drops her gently on the snow. He is now leaning over her, a smirk on his face.

"So, you're giving up?"

She lifts her arms in surrender, a big smile on her lips. She realizes how close their faces are. So close it would take a simple extension of her neck to kiss him. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't tempted. But approaching steps interrupt the flow of her mind. Twisting her head back, she sees Maria coming closer.

"What are you two doing?

-He's attacking me!

-She began" he says stoically as he stands up, suddenly regaining his usual seriousness. The young woman sighs and gets up in turn, shaking her sweater.

"I'm all wet now, thanks Joel. Joke's on you, if I'm sick you'll be the one to have to take care of me."

The blonde's gaze moves back and forth between them, trying to figure out what just happened. At least Chloe seems to be doing well. But had her serious and stoic brother-in-law really just embarked on a childish chase? She finds it hard to believe it, and yet that is the only rational explanation. She lets go of her thoughts, following the two roommates inside to talk to Joel about his next patrol.


Abba - SOS

| So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me, S.O.S.

The love you gave me, nothing else can save me, S.O.S. |

Joel sighs before taking a sip of his beer. He can only blame himself, nobody forced him, he's the one who decided to come and listen to her sing tonight. In front of the people of Jackson, Molly and Chloe perform their best covers of songs from the past. He still doesn't like Abba, but oddly when it's her singing, a big smile lighting up her face, then it doesn't seem so bad to him.

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