Moving in

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It's now the end of school and Y/n went out to her car to Ashley. I drove home and saw my parents sat there.
Saskia: hey Corbyn. Y/n is staying with us for a while so please be nice
Corbyn: why she moving in?
Ray: Corbyn, y/n's is moving in for a while okay so just be nice
Corbyn: yeah whatever *I go up to my room*

Me and Ashley get to my house and I go some clothes, we got back in my car and drove to Ashley's house. When we arrive her parents are cooking and Corbyn is laying the couch.
Ashley: hey guys
Saskia: hey honey, hey Y/n. Your welcome to stay for as long as you want
Y/n: thankyou Mrs Besson, it won't be to long
Saskia: please call me Saskia. Corbyn can you show Y/n to the guest room?
Corbyn: sure, follow me *we get to the guest room*

Guest room

Guest room

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Corbyn: there slut, I was only being nice because my parents said to but at school I'm still going to make your life hellY/n: ummm

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Corbyn: there slut, I was only being nice because my parents said to but at school I'm still going to make your life hell
Y/n: ummm...
Corbyn: well bye slut

I walked back to everyone and now Jordan is home, dinner is ready and there is only one place for Y/n. Between me and Ashley, she sat down and we all ate. We decided to go to bed early because me,Ashley and Y/n have school tomorrow.

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