Free period

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I didn't really need to talk to Mr Adams, I followed Y/n to class and nobody was there since we still had 20 minutes until class.
Corbyn: hey
Y/n: why me?
Corbyn: what?
Y/n: why me? You bully me and call me names and now I can't tell my friends what's going on, why did you kiss me?
Corbyn: because, I like you. A lot and seeing all my friends happy in relationships

I just cry whilst Corbyn is telling me these things, telling me I'm beautiful. He wraps his arms around me and brings me into a hug.
Corbyn: it's okay. Let it out
Y/n: I just don't understand wh-
??: sorry was I interrupting something? *Gabbie walks in and me and Corbyn pull away from the hug*
Gabbie: sorry
Y/n: Gabbie, please you can't tell anyone
Gabbie: I won't, your secret is safe with me but Corbyn you might want to see this
Corbyn: see what?
Gabbie: Daniel and Zach are fighting about Ashley
Corbyn: shit
Me,Corbyn and Gabbie run out and see everyone stood around them shouting fight. Corbyn gets in the middle and stops it after getting punched in the face by Daniel.
Corbyn: why are you two fighting?
Zach: go one Daniel. Tell Corbyn what this is about. No okay I will, someone from the football team bet Daniel to get with Ashley, sleep with her and then dump her

I punched Daniel in the face and and Y/n got in the middle, she pulled my arm away but Daniel punched back.
Everyone went to class whilst me,Y/n,Zach and Daniel went to the principles office.
Mr An: why were Mr Herron and Mr Seavey fighting in the first place?
Zach: Daniel made a bet with one of the guys from the football team to sleep with Ashley and then dump her so I heard about it and was a good friend
Mr An: your both on your last warning, you may go to class. *they leave* and for you two, your both suspended for two weeks
Corbyn: Y/n didn't do anything, she stopped me and Daniel from fighting
Mr An: I don't want to hear it, you finish your day and then go home. I don't want to see you both until you come back in

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