Marry Me?

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Today I've told the girls to take Y/n and Ollie out because tonight I'm planning on proposing to her.
Zach: you nervous?
Corbyn: just a little
Jonah: it will be fine, you have a kid together now of course she will say yes

Me and the girls are currently at Anna's house outside just chilling at talking. Ollie is now only a month old but everything is fine, Lav is 7 moths old.
Gabbie: here you go *passes me a drink*
Y/n: thanks Gab
Tate: so how are you and Corbyn?
Y/n: we're amazing, he's been getting up every night to feed Ollie when he's crying. He's been helping me a lot, now I just want a ring on my finger and I'll be even more happier
Kay: well you just have to wait
Y/n: yeah, how are you and Jack now Gabs?
Gabbie: we're good, we've had our little arguments but it's all fine

 He's been helping me a lot, now I just want a ring on my finger and I'll be even more happier Kay: well you just have to wait Y/n: yeah, how are you and Jack now Gabs?Gabbie: we're good, we've had our little arguments but it's all fine

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@yn.yln: me and my baby spending time with our favourite girls❤️
Liked by: @kaycookk, @corbynbesson, @imzachherron and 74,025 others
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Everything is now set up and Y/n just got home. Im upstairs in our room, nervous by also excited.
Corbyn: come upstairs!!
Y/n: what the?
Corbyn: come here *Gabbie takes Ollie*
Corbyn: so look at the floor
Y/n: omg, of course I'll marry you
Everyone except Y/n&Corbyn: yayyyyyy *cheers*

Y/n: BEAN WERE ARE YOU?!!!Corbyn: come upstairs!!Y/n: what the?Corbyn: come here *Gabbie takes Ollie*Corbyn: so look at the floorY/n: omg, of course I'll marry youEveryone except Y/n&Corbyn: yayyyyyy *cheers*

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@yn.yln: so after a chilled day I come home to this❤️ soon to be Mrs Besson💙 @corbynbesson
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@corbynbesson: she said yes❤️ @yn.tln
Liked by: @jordan.besson, @yn.yln, @whydontwemusic and 84,945 others
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