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Me and Corbyn head back to his room and he keeps the door open, I sit down on his bed and he sits opposite me.
Corbyn: is it true? Your s-scared of me
Y/n: I was, I trust you now. I'm not scared of you anymore
Corbyn: so, what Ashley said to my parents was true
Y/n: yeah, I was scared of you for what you did but now I'm...
Corbyn: your what?
Y/n: I-I think I'm f-falling in l-love with y-you
Corbyn: I'm so sorry I hurt you
Y/n: it's okay *we hug and go back downstairs*

Me and Y/n got back to her house and we chilled and watched movies and ordered pizza.
Corbyn: so we go back to school next week
Y/n: yeah, at least we only have a year then we graduate
Corbyn: yeah
Y/n: let's make the most of it for our last year
Corbyn: yeah, so when your parents get back. Are you staying with your mum or going with you dad?
Y/n: staying here with my mum. Dad's moving out to Europe somewhere but me and my mum will cope
Corbyn: good, at least your staying here
Y/n: yeah

 Dad's moving out to Europe somewhere but me and my mum will copeCorbyn: good, at least your staying hereY/n: yeah

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@yn.yln: I'm happier than I look😘
Liked by: @kaycookk, @seaveydaniel, @tatedoll and 94,024 others
@user1: your a badass
@anna.seavey: ❤️❤️
@tatedoll: it's crazy we graduated in a year💙

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