Oh no

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Today is the first day of the ski trip, we arrive at it's amazing all the girls are gone already and taking pictures. Me and the boys went and just had an amazing time.
Jack: Corbs we need a picture of you and Y/n together
Corbyn: okay
Jack: done
Y/n: thanks Noodle head
Corbyn: hey don't be mean to my Jacky
Y/n: your cheating on me with Jack?!
Jack: your cheating on Corbyn with Gabbie
Y/n: true, Gabbie's my baby
Gabbie: yesssss

We all got back to where we're staying at the girls went to shower, I was okay though I just sat with the boys.
Corbyn: can I tell Y/n about the time Jonah broke the table of the tour bus?
Y/n: wait what? Jonah your supposed to be looking after these not them looking after you
Jonah: we never talk about that time again, it wasn't my fault
Zach: sureeeee *the girls come down*
Anna: I feel so single
Y/n: I heard that someone likes you
Anna: who?
Y/n: Jackson Pierce
Anna: as in Jackson Pierce from Art?
Y/n: yeah, he asked me for your number
Anna: what?!
Y/n: yeah, I didn't give it to him because he's a fuck boy like all the others *Corbyn gets up and leaves*
Shit, why did I say that?

I went up to the room and sat on the bed, Y/n came in and sat opposite me.
Y/n: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that
Corbyn: it's okay it's true, like they say once a fuck boy always a fuck boy
Y/n: your not like that anymore
Corbyn: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of walked out
Y/n: hey you have nothing to be sorry for

Y/n: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that Corbyn: it's okay it's true, like they say once a fuck boy always a fuck boyY/n: your not like that anymore Corbyn: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of walked out Y/n: hey you have nothing to be sorry for

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@corbynbesson: forever and always💙 @yn.yln
Liked by: @jackaverymusic, @jonahmarais, @yn.yln and 84,933 others
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@yn.yln: my girls❤️💜
Liked by: @anna.seavey, @corbynbesson, @gabbieegonzalez and 73,924 others
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