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After a while we decided to head back because it's now 5pm. I was just on my phone texting my mum until Gabbie calls us all.
Gabbie: okay so, me and Jack wanted to sit you all down because we have something important to tell you all
Jack: me and Gabbie are...
Jack&Gabbie: having a baby!
Anna: omg, congratulations guys
Zach: I'm gonna be an uncle
Kay: I'm gonna be an auntie
I get up from the sofa and go to our room, here's the thing. A few months ago I was pregnant but I had a miscarriage and me and Corbyn didn't tell anyone except Kay and now my best friend's are going to have a baby. I sit on the bed and start crying, the door opens and in comes Corbyn.
Corbyn: baby
Y/n: I'm okay, I just want to be alone
Corbyn: your not okay, come here *hugs me*
Corbyn: it's all going to be okay, one day we will have a baby
Y/n: you heard what the doctor said, I might not be able to get pregnant. Corbyn, I don't want you to be with someone like me
Corbyn: hey, don't say that okay. I love you Y/n and I know deep down we will have children, I don't want to be with anyone else except you

I kissed the top of Y/n's head and we laid down on the bed. She stopped crying and went to sleep, I went back downstairs to everyone because they're worried.
Gabbie: is she okay?
Ashley: Corbyn, what's going on?
Corbyn: Y/n's fine, she's just not feeling to good but Kay I need to talk to you in private
Kay: okay *we go into a different room*
Corbyn: when me and the boys cane over before what were you and Y/n talking about?
Kay: she was telling me about what the doctor said about her maybe not being able to get pregnant
Corbyn: yeah, that's why she's upset. She's happy for Gabbie and Jack but just scared and obviously after the miscarriage and the ski trip
Kay: she's brave your girl, please look after her
Corbyn: I will. She's my girl and nothing is going to change that

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