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Corbyn smashes his lips onto mine and he pushes the project and everything off the bed, he lays me down on my bed and makes his way down to my neck. My phone goes off and I get it but Corbyn doesn't stop.

Y/n: C-Corbyn, you need to leave *he pulls away*Corbyn: d-did I do something wrong?Y/n: no, the girls are coming to pick me up because we're all going out for food

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Y/n: C-Corbyn, you need to leave *he pulls away*
Corbyn: d-did I do something wrong?
Y/n: no, the girls are coming to pick me up because we're all going out for food. That means you and the boys are coming aswell.
Corbyn: okay *his phone rings and he hurry's up*
Y/n: who was it?
Corbyn: Jonah, he said we're going to chipotle
Y/n: obviously Zach chose that place. You need to go because the girls will be here in 5 minutes
Corbyn: uhhh, okay. Well I'll see you soon *kisses me and leaves*
What the hell is going on? My enemy just made out with me. How am I supposed to tell Ashley?

We're all now at chipotle and of course Ashley and Daniel are sat next to each other but I have Y/n sat opposite me.
Gabbie: Y/n, your hand *whispering*
Y/n: I can't help it. I'm just nervous
Gabbie: your going to make it worse
Y/n: I know, I know okay
Ashley: Y/n, you okay?
Y/n: I-I'm gonna go home
Ashley: why? What's going on?
Y/n: I just want to go home and be alone right now

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