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Today is Tuesday and tonight me and the girls are hanging out at chipotle. I get changed and do my hair and makeup and then make my way to school. I go to the girls and great the boys are there aswell.


Hair and makeup

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Hair and makeup

Anna: hey girlY/n: hey, what's this about? *pointing to Daniel who has his arm around Ashley*Daniel: we're together now Y/n: oh, well I have a free period fourth Jack: damn it, I've got music with Zach and GabbieCorbyn: well I'm going to my locker...

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Anna: hey girl
Y/n: hey, what's this about? *pointing to Daniel who has his arm around Ashley*
Daniel: we're together now
Y/n: oh, well I have a free period fourth
Jack: damn it, I've got music with Zach and Gabbie
Corbyn: well I'm going to my locker
Zach: see you guys in form
Ashley: Y/n you coming?
Y/n: locker first
Ashley: okay

After I went to my locker and everyone went to form, I was about to go to form until I saw Y/n at her locker. I went over and wrapped my arms around her waist and move her hair out of the way.
Y/n: Corbyn, I know it's you
Corbyn: damn it. So you have a free period?
Y/n: yes, fourth
Corbyn: me too
Y/n: lucky you
Corbyn: is everything okay?
Y/n: yeah fine. We're going to be late for form
Corbyn: can I at least get a kiss first *we both lean in and kiss. We pulled away and smiled*
Y/n: we have to go to form
Corbyn: will I at least see you at lunch?
Y/n: maybe *We walk off to form*

I went to the back as usual where the girls are.
I sat in between Ashley and Kay whilst the boys sat in front of us.
Kay: why did you and Corbyn come in at the same time? *whispering*
Y/n: he had to go to his locker, I went to mine. We just walked in at the same time
It was now lunch and we all sat at the table like usual but this time Ashley and Daniel sat together. I was just eating when my phone went off.

 I was just eating when my phone went off

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This boy seriously is something.
Anna: what you all smiley about?
Y/n: nothing, I'm just happy today
Ashley: oh Y/n, can we change hangout until Thursday. I'm going over to Daniel's tonight
Y/n: uhh...I'm gonna go to class, I'll see you guys tomorrow
Corbyn: yeah I need to talk to Mr Adams, bye guys

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