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"Every scar tells a story, every smile hides one."


Draco Malfoy's POV 

She immediately fell from my lap and crawled backward until her back hit a wall. She extended her right arm and touched the wall, felt the wall on her fingertips, as her left arm hugged herself.

"Katherine-" I concerningly started talking, "It's me. It's Draco. Are you ok?" I tried walking closer to her, but she shut down her eyes and shouted.

"Don't come any closer! Please! Please don't do this to me!" 

"Katherine, I'm not going to hurt you." I clarified my intentions, "I'm Draco, remember?"

She took a couple of deep breaths.
I assumed she was trying to understand what was going on. 

"Draco... Draco?" she whispered, heavily breathing, "It's- It's you." 

"It's me," I tried to comfort her, "It's me," Then I slowly moved closer to her, "I'm here," we now had a foot between our bodies.  

"It's you... It's you!" She jumped into my arms, pulling me close to her, too close that I could feel every part of her body and smell her scent. "I knew you'd come for me! You'll always come for me!" She panted, trying to catch her breath while hugging me. Touching me. 

"Shhh," I patted her back. She was shaking in my arms, it made me scared. Scared of the things they had done to her, "You are safe now. You're with me." 

She hugged me like she didn't ever want to let go. Like her life depended on it. She felt like the water you drank after going on a long run. Very long indeed. 

I continued patting her hair and her back. She had her hands around my back and continued to deeply exhale and inhale. 

"Draco-" she backed away, still trying to breathe, "Draco they- they- your- your- father- he-" She couldn't find the words to complete her sentence, she was still shivering. 

"Katherine, stop talking. Look at me." 

I held her head in my two hands and tried to make her stay in one place while I looked into her eyes. 

The best place to get lost was in the eyes of someone you missed. 

And I missed her.
So much.

"I'm going to get you out of here. I'm going to get you some food. You will rest. And sleep. I will never leave your side. You are safe with me. Ok?"

She shook her head. She put her hands on my arms while I still held her head. I placed my forehead on hers and she closed her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"I- I- do."

After staying in the same position for a while, I stood up and extended my hand for her to take it. She took it and tried to stand up.

But she was so weak.

Why was she so weak?

What made her so weak that a powerful vampire couldn't even stand up?

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