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"Not even now, after all this time, can I see myself living this life without you."


Draco Malfoy's POV 

"Bring me back to Hogwarts right now. I don't wanna spend another second in this house!" her voice was more broken than ever. I could see the anger in her sight, though I wasn't exactly sure who she was angry for. Me? The death eaters? Herself?

Or, all of us.

I quickly grabbed the portkey that would make us go back. I didn't want her to go further and completely explode on me. I gently touched her shoulder and apparated us in Hogwarts.

To our luck, when we came, Damon Salvatore was standing right in front of us. He was leaning on the door and thinking deeply. I let go of Katherine and she immediately started running towards him.

She was running away from me and getting closer to Damon.

For something, I didn't exactly do.

I didn't even say a word about Mystic Falls to my family. I had no idea how they learned it. 

But Katherine didn't believe me. And if I was her, I wouldn't believe me too.

Who would? Who would believe Draco Malfoy? I'm just a bully who bullies kids and makes people feel bad. I'm just a boy who works for the Dark Lord and is known to be a bad person. The evil person. 

Katherine was the only one who believed otherwise.
And now she was... gone.
Just like her father.

Damon also started running to Katherine. Seeing this scene happening right in front of my eyes was... heartbreaking. I should be the one holding her right now. I should be the one making her feel better. 

It shouldn't be Damon... it should be me.

But now, it seemed impossible for her to come back to me. 

I just stood there, my arms on my sides, and watched them while my heart broke into literal pieces inside me. 

Soon, Damon pulled Katherine closer and they walked together into the castle. Making me go back to the manor.

When I apparated back, there was something in my eye.

Something watery.

It dripped down my cheeks to my bed.

Making a wet small circle appear on my pillow.

Was I crying?

"Draco!" My mom knocked on the door harder, "I am going to have to break in if you don't open it right now son!" 

Hesitantly I walked over to the door and played with the lock. I held the knob and opened the door. 

My mom's face was filled with worry. In a hurry, she came in, closed the door behind her. I walked over to my bed and sat down. 

The water started coming out of my eyes.

I never cried in front of my mom before.

"It's her isn't it?" my mom started coming closer to me, "The vampire girl- it's her, right?" 

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