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"It's as if my lungs forget how to breathe, my legs forget how to walk, my heart forgets a few beats when my mind forgets whose side it is on."


Draco's POV

I started walking back to my own dorm after dropping her off. The moment I parted from her, one side of me felt incomplete. I had no idea why or how I felt this way. The way I felt many emotions combined when I was with her. 

I felt angry that she had to be a vampire.

I felt happy to be next to her. 

I felt sad to see her hurt. 

I felt guilty to be lying to her.

But when I wasn't with her, I was lonely. 

I walked back to my dorm, trying to ignore every eye preying on me. Once I opened my door, I saw him standing right in front of me. 

My father was here. 

I trembled as I closed the door. My eyes started to blink faster. Thinking of all the cruel things he has done made my heart ache more. 

"What brings you here- father." I quietly asked, but loud enough for him to hear me. 

"You read?" he asked examining the books on the floor. 

"No." I lied, I read every night before I went to sleep. The only way I drifted off to sleep peacefully was to care more about the story in the books than my own story. "It's just for decoration." I lied again, picking up the books and putting them on my desk. 

"Hm-" Lucius started walking closer to me, "Have you received a letter today?"

"No," I admitted, trying to look away from him. 

"Damn it!" he said, throwing the books I just cleaned on the floor again, "That bastard girl."

"What?" I asked, being lost.

"Your owl brought you a letter today- a letter that was received by every single death eater." he stopped, collecting his thoughts, "The owl told us that a girl grabbed your letter, which made me curious so I've come to ask you." 

"I- I haven't seen a letter." 

"You already told me that son-" he uncomfortably leaned more into my face, "Which girl was in your room today?" he curiously asked.

If I gave Katherine's name, it would be highly dangerous for her. I couldn't do that. I couldn't put her in danger. I already never mentioned anything else to my parents since that one day I told them about her first. 

I had to keep her safe.

Keep her alive. 

"Scarlet," I lied once again, "My friend- Scarlet was in my room today." 

"That means she knows." My father turned around, walking back and forth in my room.

"Knows what?" I asked.

"Knows about the doppelganger project." he quietly but angrily spoke.

No. Katherine could not learn about the vampire mission this way. I was supposed to be the one to tell her. I was supposed to explain everything from the start to her. I was supposed to answer her questions.

This was not the way I planned for her to find out.

I couldn't imagine how much she hated me right now.

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