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"Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations"


Katherine's POV

I went in the Ravenclaw common room and directly saw Luna sitting on one of the desks, studying. Alone. 

She didn't notice me walking in, or she avoided me. I hesitantly walked next to her. 

"Hi." I played with my fingers due to me being nervous. 

She looked up at me, "Hello." 

"Can I sit?" 

She moved her head up and down, so I took a seat in front of her. "Luna-" 

"It's ok." she cut me off, "It's ok. I wouldn't wanna stay in between love." 

"How did you know I was going to talk about him?" I curiously asked.

"Whose shirt are you wearing?" Luna replied. I blushed. I still wore Draco's shirt. "You are coming from his room aren't you?" she added.

"Sort of." 

She stayed silent so I continued, "Are we still friends?" 

"Of course, I am not going to lose my friend because of Malfoy." I smiled, her sympathy was great. "But I still hate Malfoy as much as everyone hates you two right now," she said.

"We are actually- uh- going to keep it um- a secret." 

"Oh." She looked confused and I didn't blame her, "I see." 

"Anyways, how was your day?" I changed the topic, avoiding any questions she might ask that I couldn't answer.

We talked, just like the old days. We laughed and talked. I was beyond thankful for her to forgive me. Soon, we fell asleep on the desks.

The next morning, the chattering of everyone's voice woke us up. I slowly opened my eyes and Draco's smell was still on his shirt. When I looked up Luna wasn't in front of me. I stood up from the chair and started going upstairs. 

A couple of students noticed my shirt. But I didn't get embarrassed, instead, I strangely felt proud.

When I opened the door Luna stood in front of me, she had changed and was ready for the day.

"You were so deep into your sleep, I couldn't wake you up." she giggled, making me giggle with her. 


During the day, I didn't see Draco as much. The only time I saw him was in Snape's class. Even if I saw him more, I wouldn't be able to talk with him or even touch him. We had to keep us a secret. 

But to my luck, I noticed Damon. 

I just hoped he found out why Stefan got attacked. 

I speed walked next to him. "Damon!" I whisper-screamed which made him stop and turn back to me.

"Good morning Katherine," he said, sounding sleepy. Like he didn't sleep at all yesterday.

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