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The next few days passed in a blur. I attended the therapy sessions and just like every other time, I kept quiet throughout the sessions. Dr. Aasim had been trying to get me to talk. He had tried tricking me into talking and it didn't exactly work.

Surely he didn't think I'd fall for his tricks right? He ought to know that I'm not stupid.

I simply zone out whenever it starts and then wait for the clock to hit twelve.

But then something intriguing did happen. Since that day I haven't received any message anymore which confuses and yet eased the hell out of me. It happened every time, every session, so what changed now?

I don't know if I should be happy about that or if I should be scared because silence isn't exactly a sign of something good. I will be a witness a witness of that.

So yeah...while I found it calming that I no longer have to have mini panic attacks very day, I was scared of my future.

I was walking out of Dr. Aasim's office and heading to the lobby when a hand held my upper arm and tugged me back. I swiveled my head to look at the person only to roll my eyes and snatch my hands out of her hands. I could feel my arm aching, it must've been from when she grabbed me, her nails weren't exactly short.

I held it in and pretended as if my arm doesn't hurt—which by the way will definitely leave a bruise. She wasn't exactly gentle with her hold. Raising my head to look at her, my eyes narrowed.

"I owe you something" she said with a sweet smile on her face.

She's up to something.

I raised one of my brows at her as if to ask her what, and judging by the look on her face, she understood what I meant.

"This" before I could comprehend what was going a resonating slap landed on my face followed my another one on the other cheek.

I huffed slightly as I reached my hand up to wipe the corner of my lips. I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I wiped away the blood with a handkerchief I always keep in my pocket before turning to look at her.

She had a smirk on her face. A small number of crowd were already forming around us, "I owe you that bitch" she said in a sickly sweet tone.

See, I never understood why she despise me so much and I never tried to understand why. Why would I? I despise her more than anyone in my life currently.

She's going to pay for that. I swear she would.

I took a few step towards her closing the distance between us. I could swear I saw her took a step back but I didn't mind her. I leaned down close to her ear enough to whisper, "You're going to pay for that" And then leaned back; my eyes narrowed at her.

"Who do you think you are huh?" she asked in a tone that was filled with anger, "I'm not scared of you. Do you think everyone will be scared of you because you're a bitch that can't stay sober and so goes around hurting people?"

She's really getting on my nerves right now.

She must've noticed the anger in my eyes. And instead of using that brain of hers, she smirked, "You ruined yourself" she whispered flashing me a knowing look. "You should blame no one but yourself"

I stood my ground and maintained eye contact with her. I didn't waver, and neither did she.

You might be wondering why I didn't just slap her back like the last time. That is because I have better plans in mind. Oh you just wait bitch; I'll make you pay.

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