Quick Questions

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So, With Love, Zayn might be coming soon but I have a quick question for yall.

*Who do you think sends Kulsum those messages?

* What's your favorite thing about soldiers?

*What do you want to know in With Love, Zayn, regarding what happened in this book?

*Is there any particular scene you want to read there?

*What questions do you want to be answered there?

*This question is really important😫

As in extremely important

Like this has to be answered

Like Irris a must!

Should we give Zayn a girlfriend?

*Should we bring back people from DK to WLZ?

*Should his story start from where this end or from the beginning of his life?

*Should I make that book thriller like too?

*I'm repeating this because I need it😂 what do you expect in WLZ??

*If you have any question for me, drop them down below!! If there's anything I forgot to mention please point it out.

Love, Jannah ❤️

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