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When I said I want to forget everything from my past, I meant every word of that.

Simply because I have my own reasons. One is that I want to save myself the problems that will associated with it and the questions that will come along. I mean how will I reply to being a doctor and a drug addict.

Pardon me.

Let me rephrase that.

How will I reply to how a doctor became a drug addict? How I ended up like this?

Those might sound like easy questions to you but to me it sounded far from that. It's anything but that. If you think otherwise, then try stepping into my shoes.

"How do you..." I trailed off I stared at the lady in front of me.

The corners of her lip was tilted up slightly, but she made no move to widen them. It looked more like a half, almost not visible smile.

"How I do know your identity?" She asked seeing as I won't be completing the statement.

I nodded as I watched her warily. It's not something out of the ordinary to just suddenly meet someone that knows who I was. Especially not in a rehabilitation center. All sorts of scenarios played in my head at the thought of the possible explanation for this, but I couldn't find any that will be suitable for the situation.

Her head tilted to the side slightly, "That's a story for another day"

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could voice it out she had already turned and started walking away.

I didn't try to stop her nor called out for her even though I knew I can, I had no assurance that she'd even answer. So, with an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach I turned around and walked into the office of my therapist.

Don't get me wrong, I am worried after realizing that someone here knows my identity. Who knows how many more knows?

But, I've learnt to not let my emotions show a long time ago, that's why I'm handling this better than I normally would.

The first thing my eyes landed on was the wall clock. It was out of instinct considering my past history with time and whatnot. But, that's all the past now. Hopefully.

I should've not said that. But I did not knowing what was about to come.

I was late, about seven minutes late but I doubt the lady would say anything about it considering as she was seated on the only chaise lounge in the office with a book in her hand, her glasses situated on her slender nose just below her eyes slightly. She had her legs crossed, one over the other as she held a mug in her hand.

"You're here" she said not looking up. She raised the mug to her lips and then took a sip of it before placing it back on the saucer.

I stood just a few feet away from the door after I closed it. I would normally just walk in and sit down but today I wasn't exactly feeling just like every other day after Laura's confession. I don't know why but it makes me feel somehow. It doesn't sit well with me.

This made her raise her head up and rest her gaze on me, "What's wrong Kulsum?" She asked.

Instead of replying, I made my way to the couch opposite her and sat on it. The hood of my hoodie fell back a bit and this made me pull out my hand from the pocket and pull the hoodie back to where it was before. It was purely out of instinct. "Nothing" I replied, my voice low.

She then sets the book aside and fully turned to look at me, "Okay then if you say so" I could tell she didn't believe me. It was obvious based on the way she watched me up close.

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