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She scoffed, "How is our fault you couldn't keep yourself sober? How is our fault that you think only about yourself and not the rest of us? How is it our fault that you cannot handle stuff on your own and rather resulted to ruining your own life!" she half yelled and she would've done more had mom not placed her hand over her arm.

"Sabrina that's enough" Mom said lowly but Sabrina was having none of it.

"No mom, let me say what's on my mind. She thinks she can just speak to us anyhow after everything we did for her? We've tried to be with her throughout this stage of her life yet this is how she repays us?!" she said in the same tone as earlier.

"I really wished you didn't just say that" I said in a tone lower than any I'd used before.

"What?" Sabrina asked as she glared at me, anger plastered on her face.

"This is not the time I need you in my life. When I really did need you what happened huh? We're you there?"

She rolled her eyes, "Are you going to keep yapping about how we've been 'ignoring' you since you were a kid?" she air quoted 'ignore'. "Seriously Kulsum, this is getting a little old—"

"That's not what I'm talking about Sabrina" I said still not raising my voice. I'm slowly losing every strength I have to argue with them. I would've just left too but I needed to get this off my chest, and if I don't do it now, I might never get the chance.

After all, I don't have much time.

"Then what are you talking about?" Asked Sabrina impatiently.

"You seriously have no idea why I'm like this?" And sure enough, they looked clueless.

I looked down and laughed humorlessly. I don't understand how they can claim something like that. How can they even say something like that? "You guys are worse than I thought" I muttered bitterly. "Let me remind you then"

I threw my phone on my bed angrily as I paced in my room. I don't get why he just won't answer my calls. Instead, he just sent me one message, one message!

~I'm at work. I'm really busy right now. This is important.

And that was it.

For all I know that is not a reason. How can he put his work over me, over this!

I tapped my feet impatiently on the ground as the tears stream down my face like waterfalls. I couldn't even hold them back anymore. My throat felt parched and any time I try to talk; my voice comes out strained. My eyes hurt from crying so much and I'm sure my face is crimson red too. But even then, I couldn't help but cry knowing that I'm hopeless.

And my very own husband doesn't think this is important enough for him to be here.

None of his family members are here too or even bother to call me. I know they live in a different state but it's been two days already.

I need every bit of support I could get.

But I'm getting none of that.

The door swung open and Salma walked in. However, halfway through she went back when she heard my father's voice coming towards the room, she left the door open. I couldn't hear what she told him but I did her his reply. He said, "She'll get over it. I have work to do now, it's campaign period I can't stay here. Excuse me" he side stepped her and walked away.

This only made me cry more. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me yet my own father thinks his campaign is more important.

Just then, my mother came and since Salma was standing there, she talked to her too but she too like my father gave her own excuse, "Look Salma, I have to go and meet these ladies. Hajiya Halima, wife of Gombe state governor is having this event for her daughter's wedding and I have to go there. This is really important for Alhaji's campaign. The governor is one of his biggest sponsors. We may lose that support if I miss this. Just let her sleep over it" she didn't even wait for Salma's reply as she walked away too.

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