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Madison prov

My eyes opened slowly. My eyes wondered around wondering where I was. My bedroom. I was in my room. I can't rember how I got here. Last thing I rember was crying on Chase. I must of fell asleep. I got up and stretched. I walked into the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and caught my reflection in the mirror. My hair was everywhere. I had black running down my face from my mascara. My eye were red and puffy. I grabbed a makeup wipe and swipped it all over my face to get the makeup off . I ran my brush through my hair. I threw it it a pony tail. I walked out of the bathroom and threw on a pair of leggings and tang top.

I went out in to the kitchen and grabbed a water out if the fridge.  I looked over to the couch. Chase was spared across it. A arm was hanging off.  I chuckled quietly. I got of my bus and slowly closed the door behind me hoping not  to wake Chase. I threw my ear phones in and put my running play list on and took off. Soon I was back on my bus. I put the coffee pot on and got out two mugs and coffee creamer. Once the pot was full I poured some in my mug. I sat at the table writing lyrics  down when I heard Chase waking up.

"Morning." I said to a sleepy Chase

"Morning." He said as he poured coffee into the mug that was out.

"How did you sleep?" He asked as he sat down on the other side of me.

"Fine I guess. You?"

"Pretty good. What do you want to do today?" We were in Austin Texas.

"We could just walk around and see the sights?"

"That sounds good. Can I use your bathroom to get ready and take a shower?"

"Sure go for it. Towels are in the closet."

"I know!" He said laughing I couldn't help but laugh along.

Down town Austin was amazing. It was so pretty. And the people were so nice. Me and Chase walked around while eating ice cream. I pulled my phone out and snapped a couple photos. While my phone was out I checked the time.

"Come on Chase it's time to head back." He nodded and we started to where we had the car parked. I got into the passagner side as Chase got in the driver's seat. He started the car up and off we went. I hummed a long to George Strait. Chase pulled the car up to my trailer.

"I'm going to go talk to Keith before the concert. See ya in there." He waved as he went on his way. I waved back. I punched my code into the code pad and walked into the bus. On the table was  a vase of sunflowers. I set my things down and grabbed the flowers putting them under my nose and taking a deep breath. They smelled so good. I put them back down on the table. When I noticed a card on the flowers. I grabbed the card and opened it.
I'm so sorry about how I acted. Please let me show you how sorry I am. Come to the stage at 3.

I looked at the clock. I had 5 minutes to be there. Should I go? Should I not. I went back and forth for a few minutes.

"I'm going." I declared to nonody but myself. I picked my phone up and walked out the door. Once I got to the stage it was black. I found myself a chair up front. Ryan came out on the stage and waved me up. We sat down on the side of the stage. My legs were swinging off of it.

"Look Madison, I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually I do know what came over me. It was jealousy. I just can't belive you agreed to date me. Your so beautiful and I'm me."

"Ryan I don't agree to date you off looks. I like you for you. I get that you were jealous but Chase is a friend. My best friend. Nothing more." He finally looked up at me. I leaned forward and kissed him.

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