stranger in the dark

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Madison's prov (6 months later)

"5..5...4...4..." I heard the video voice go off with the crowd chant after it. I fixed my ear piece in my ear. I was on the tour with Jason. We where in our second town. "3....3...2...2...1...1!" The crowd yelled. The starting notes of church bells came on. I ran out on the stage.

"Are y'all ready?!" I yelled in the mic. I then put the mic out for them to yell back. "Jenny grew up wise." I belted into the mic. A while later I sat on a stool strumming my guitar. "Listening to your heatbeat." I sang as the crowd swayed with their flashlights on. "Thanks guy for coming out! Now here is my big brother Jason Aldean!"
After that I went off the stage high fiveing  Jason as he went by. I gave my ear piece and guitar to one of the crew members. I passed by Britt who had the kids watching Jason. I waved and she waved back.

I got outside of the arena. The air was nice and cold. It started cooling down my hot body. I started walking  over to my bus. I punched in the code to the bus humming a tune that had been stuck in my head. I walked up the stairs and in to my bus. I flipped on the main light. Sitting on the couch was a body. I screamed.

"Madison it's just me." The figure said as they came towards me. I recognized that voice. And it was a voice that I didn't want to hear. That voice belonged to Ryan Upchurch. I thought of the ways I could get out of here. I came up with 3.

Choice number one, I could scream again and keep scream till somebody came to see if I was ok.

Number two run straight to the bed room and lock the door.

Number three walk right out the front door.

Three wouldn't work because he would just follow me till he either cornered me some where. Out of choices one and two, two sounded like the best option.

My eyes met his. I gave a small smile. He smiled back. Then I started sprinting towards the bedroom. I heard him right behind me. I was almost to the door. I'm going to make it I thought. My finger touched the door handle before I was yanked back. His arms wrapped around me. At one time I felt safe in his arms but that was the past. I started fighting against his hold.

"Stop fighting." He said as he put me on the seat that was connected to the table top. He pushed me in further and sat down blocking my exit.

"Why are you here?!" I hissed at him.

"Because I wanted to talk." He shugged his shoulders.

"I have a phone. Maybe you should try that!"

"You wouldn't have answered."

"Damn straight I wouldn't answer!"

"Madison I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I was drunk. She came over to ask me a question and..." I cut him off there.

"I don't care! I don't care you were drunk. I don't care what ever your excuse is." I felt the tears gathering in my eyes. I was about to cry. But I held it in. I wouldn't cry. He didn't deserve to see me cry.

"I know." He said quietly. "I am so sorry. I should not have never done what I did. I think about you all the time and I beat myself up over because I messed up the best thing I've ever had. I know you probley won't forgive me but I just had to tell you and get it off my chest. And to also  say I'm sorry. I would get on my knees to beg for you forgiveness." I looked at my hands in my lap. He just spilled his heart to me. "That's all. I guess I'll leave now." He got up and started towards the door.

"Wait." I called out to him. He turned back around. "Sit down I have to get my thoughts together." He nodded his head and sat on the opposite side of me.

We sat in silence as my mind raced a mile a minute. I took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm not going to forgive you. Not right now  away. I still love you. That's why I'm going to give you another chance." His face lit up. "But... your going to have to earn my trust back and it won't be easy. Also we are not dating. We are just friends. That is for right know. Maybe we can try again later."

"Ok." He said.

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