The call of wrath

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Jason's prov
I couldn't belive it. I shook my head and clicked play again. There on the stage was my little sister and Ryan Upchurch. Ryan was saying how he and my baby sister was together. That can't be right. She said she was dating someone but it can't be him. He was bad for her! He broke hearts right and left. Took girls for the night and leave them in the morning. He would break her. She couldn't be broken again. That punk Adam I think his name was did it once and once is one to many times. I wasn't going to let her get hurt.

Madison's prov

My phone was going nuts, going off every seconds as I got ready for my run. I decided to not take my phone with me this morning it would just be a pain. So I took off running. I got back to my bus a half hour later. Not even bothering to look at my phone I went right to the shower. Changing into some sweats since we were just traveling today. I finally looked at my phone. I had gotten a text from my mom saying congrats. Right below her's was 16 calls from Jason. Oooo shit.

I paced back and forth debating wether I should call him. "Come on Madison buck up!" I told myself before hitting the call button. It rang a couple times before he answered.

"What are you thinking Madison?!"

"Hey J I'm doing good thanks for asking. The tour? It's going good. How are you?" I could just see him rolling his eyes at me.

"Madison. This is no time for you smart ass mouth."

"Sorry I can't shut it off."

"Why are you dating him?"

"Because I like him. He's funny, nice, and so sweet to me. And he doesn't push me to do anything I don't want to or want me to change. He likes me for me.  Plus this is what you wanted. You pushed me to date. So I guess thank you."

"Madison you can't date him. He's no good for you." My temper was starting flare just like his was.

"I think I can decide whether somebody is good for me or not. I'm not 5 Jason."

"Fine Madison you apparently know what your doing. So don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart. Because he will. But I'm not going to be there to pick up the pieces."

And with that he hung up. I threw my phone on the bed while I sat down on the foot of the bed. Tears streamed down my face. I hated it when me and Jason fought.   I wiped my tears off and left my bus. I walked around before I ended up on the stage. I sat down thinking about everything. I was deep in my thought when an arm wrapped around me. I jumped a little bit at the contact.

"I didn't mean to scare you darling." I looked up to see blue green eyes looking at my red and puffy eyes. "What's the matter Maddie?" 

"Just my brother." He didn't say anything just looked at me.

"Just got in to a fight. He forgets that I'm 26 not 5."

"He just trying to protect you. I would do it if I had a sister." He said pulling me closer to him. His arm was around my waist. His thumb was rubbing circle on my hip. I layed my head on his shoulder.  "It will be ok." He said kissing the top of my head.

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