pregnancy pains

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I got up and out of bed as quickly as I could. Getting out of bed was getting harder and harder with this huge belly. I waddling to the bathroom and threw up everything in my stomach. Ryan woke up and came over. He gathered my hair up. I wiped my mouth off and got up. Ryan handed my some water.

"Thanks." I went over to my sink and brushed my teeth. I spit out the toothpaste. 

"I'm getting tired of your baby making throw up." I said pointing my brush at Ryan. Then I went back to brushing  He laughed at me.

"Why is he mine when he does something wrong?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Because when he's mine he is an angel!" I said as i went back to brushing again.

Ryan came behind me once I was done. I leaned back on him. "Just 2 more weeks till we get to see Cash Jason Upchurch." I nodded. We had finally pick his name. Ryan helped me back into bed since it was around 3 in the morning. He slid my shirt up to see my belly.

"Ok now Cash. It's time to go to sleep. Because if you don't mama's not going to get any sleep. Then she will be grumpy and I have to deal with her." I reached my hand out and slapped him gently. "See what I mean?" I rolled my eyes at him. He came back up and kissed my lips.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I rolled out of bed. Cash thought he was playing soccer. The soccer ball was my bladder. "Not cool little man." I told him as I went to the bathroom. Soon after I went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to look for food. I put some toast in the toaster as I rubbed my belly.

"Hey baby." Ryan came up and kissed me.


"How are you feeling this moring?"

"I'm ok. But I really want spam."

"You hate spam."

"I know! But it sounds really good." My toast came up and I ate it.

"I'll tell you what for lunch I'll go out and pick us up some food ok?" "That sounds great."

After lunch I folded some clothes. With Cash in me I had a pretty boring or normal  life. Do this. Sleep. Finish doing this. Go on to the next thing. Don't get me wrong. I love carrying mine and Ryan's mini  us. But I did miss going  up on stage and singing. My fans total got it. They were supper excited for me. But I missed hearing them cheer.

I smiled as I look at the picture of me up on stage. Some of them we just me. A lot of them was me and somebody else. My eye landed on one picture. It was Me and Jason singing with the king George Strait. I grabbed the picture. Cash pushed on my belly. I smiled and look down.

"What to hear a story baby boy?" I asked him. He pushed on my belly again. I took that as a yes. 

"I never thought I would get to sing with him." I told him. He pushed again as to tell me to keep going. "Kerri called me and Jason. She said how would you and Jason like to sing with George? I said like the George Strait? Yep! Kerri said. We would love to. That night I got ready. I was so nervous baby. We meet him a little bit before we went on. He was so sweet. We got on stage and we all killed it." I smiled at the memorie. "I pray baby that you'll get opportunities to do things like that." I put the picture back. I fixed it to where I wanted it.

I then froze. Some thing wet went down my leg. The there was pain. "Ryan!!" I yelled.

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