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~ 6 years later ~

"Cash you get down from there!" I told my six year old son as he jumped up and down on a chair. His face looked so sad. He looked like he was about to cry. I put my hands in the side of his face making him look up at me. "It's ok Cash."

Cash looked so much like his dad it wasn't even funny. But he also looked like Jason when he was that age. The only thing of mine that he got was my eyes. He even got his dad's potty mouth. Witch I was not thrilled about. Not even a little bit. 

"Sorry mom." He gave me a sad look.

"It's ok Cash. You just scared me. I was afraid something would happen and you would get hurt." I picked him up and hugged him. I then set him on the counter next to his 5 year old sister Kinzey.

Kinzey looked a lot like me. She had Ryan's dark hair but with my curly hair. She had so much sass it wasn't even funny. Her aunt Lin taught her that. In just one day that me and Ryan went on a date.

"Your daddy's going to be home in a little bit. Cheers erupted from the kids. Ryan had been on tour. My new tour was starting next year. While I was pregnant with Kinzey I had toured. Me and Ryan had decided that we would take turns touring. Since cash was not in school yet we all went together. At times it was super fun and the kids got to see and go to a lot of different places. Other times I felt like pulling my hair out of my scalp.

Me and the kids had came home about 2 weeks early since Kenzey had came down with a cold. "So while we wait I thought we could make some cookies. What y'all think?" Cheers were heard again.

I had pulled the last try of cookies out of the oven. The kids were playing on the floor with some toys in the living room. When I heard the sounds of tires coming up the drive.

"Kids dad is home!" I went and picked Kenzey up and Cash followed behind me as we went to the porch. Kenzey but her head on my shoulder and cash put his head on my leg as we watched Ryan come up the drive in his truck. Ryan got put of the truck and came up to us. He came up and gathered us up in one big hug.

"Hey baby." He said giving me and long kiss.

"Eww!" A little voice came that belonged to Cash.

"Eww!" Kenzey said to copy her brother. Ryan picked him up and ran around with him.

"Eww?" He asked as he tickled him. His laughing was contagious because me and Kenzey were laughing. Ryan came and grabbed her and was running, jumping around with them. I smiled at them. Ryan made such a good dad.

I will be thankful for Jason for pissing me off all those years ago so that I went to the bar. Also for Kerri for arranging that tour. If it wasn't for either of them I would be standing here watching Ryan play with our kids. We had our ups and down but who didn't? We over came them. I was so thankful to be Madison Aldean Upchurch. I am a daughter, sister, country singer, a wife,  and a mom. I could not be anymore thankful and blessed.

The end
A/N I hope y'all enjoyed this book. I had a lot of fun writing this. So thanks again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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