Rice vs Upchurch

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It felt nice to be with my family for a couple days. But it was even nicer getting back to Ryan. He has let me know how much he missed me. And that makes me feel pretty good. 

"How was it?"

"It was nice and sunny worked on my tan so that was nice. My little niece and nephew missed me. So it was nice seeing them they grew so much. Put a rock on their head so they'll slow down from growing."
Days went by as we settled into a routine.

I had my shower and changed into my outfit for the night. A knock on the door came. "Come in!" I shouted as I put my ear ring in. Ryan came behind my wrapping his arms around me. Kissing my neck.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep I'm ready." He grabbed my hand as we walked to the arena. Once back stage we got our ear piece and Ryan got his microphone. I would get mine later. "Good luck." I said going on stage. I watched him back stage. Swaying with the music. I loved how he reacted with the fans. I noticed how in tune he was with his fans. I hope that one day I would be able to do that. We sang our song together then it was my set. My band started playing only prettier, when a voice came on another mic. I looked to Keith. He sent me a smile. Finally a body came on to the stage. Well if it wasn't Chase Rice. He came over as we sang together. 

"Just like you only prettier." We harmonized.

"Will y'all give it up for my good friend Chase Rice!" The crowd shouted and clapped.

"Can we hear it for this girl the real star of this duet!" He said as the crowd went nuts. We bowed and started off stage.

"Where the hell did you did you come from Chase?!" I asked as he laughed.

"Was in town. And we hadn't seen each other for a while. So here I am." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Since when do you stay in Oklahoma?" I knew Chase inside and out. We had been best friends since forever it seems like. And I knew that he always wanted to be at his bus or his house or my house or bus. He hated staying in hotels.

"Ok fine ya caught me! I missed you."

"Aww Chase I missed you too."
We got back stage and was gathered by my band.

"How did you like your suprise?" NJ asked me.

"Y'all knew?!" They all nodded.

"I'm going to get y'all back!" They all paled a little. Chase laughed throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend." I turned around to see Ryan.

"Its ok Ryan. This is my best friend Chase Rice. Chase, Ryan. Ryan, Chase." They just sat there glaring at each other. I rolled my eyes at them both. I had told Ryan how close me and Chase were clearly he didn't belive me. I cleared my throat trying to realize some transition.

"So how long are you staying Chase?"

"A couple day." He said turning and looking at me.

"I'm surmising that you'll be staying on my bus?"

"You know me so well." He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well let's go then."

"I'll meet up with ya in a bit I want to go talk to Keith for a bit."

"Ok have fun." I said walking over to Ryan, grabbed his hand and started leading him to my bus.

"What the hell that?!" Ryan asked as soon as the bus door was shut.

"What was what?" I asked as I started to move the cushion off the couch.

"So I guess you'll be staying with me?" He asked in a high and flirty voice.

"First he's my best friend I already  know he was going to  stay with me.  Especially when he comes and sees me. Second I didn't say it like that." I said going back to the bed room lifting up my bed and pulling out sheets, blankets and pillows. Ryan was hot on my trail.

"I don't care if he's your friend I don't want him to stay here with you on this bus!"

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