let's party

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Months later

My phone was ringing from my night stand walking me up. With out looking at the id  I answer it. "Hello?"

"Madison! How have you been?" Lin's voice came over the line.

"I've been doing good. What's up Lin?" I said sitting up in bed.

"To get you over Ryan we are having a bonfire tonight."


"You are coming!" She interrupted me. "Be at my house at 6. And bring over night bag because we are all going to be wasted! I  already invited Chase!" She said then hung up.  I threw my phone on the bed. Maybe a party wouldn't be too bad.

I could tell the party was in full swing when I got there because of how many cars were there. I parked my truck. I got out and grabbed  my bag and walked to the door. Not even bothering to knock I walked in. The house was empty so I knew everybody was out back. I threw my bag by the door and walked out back.
It was a good thing the place was big because there was a lot of people there.
I stood leaning against the door frame looking over the crowd. Eric church was there with his wife. Luke Combs and his wife. Miranda and her husband.   And a bunch of others. I found Jason and Britt talking to Luke, Lin, Amber and bg along with Chase. I found the coolers that were filled of alcohol. Tonight was about letting lose. I was going to get drunk tonight. I thought to my self. But I wasn't bothered about it. I grabbed me a beer and made my way over to them.

"Madison!" Lin ran over to hug me followed by Amber.

"Hey y'all." I said hugging them back.

"Are you ready to get drunk tonight?" Lin asked.

"You know it." I said winking at her.  "Don't let us get to crazy bg." I said since he didn't drink.

"No promises M." I pulled up a lawn chair to where they were sitting. Chase was on my left side.

"Come on Madison do a shot with us!" Lin said handing me one. I threw it back with them. It wasn't long before we were all tipsy.

"Come on Chase I want to dance!" I said grabbing his hand pulling him up and leading him over to where other people were dancing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. While he put his hands on my hips.  We swong along to the music. He spun me around. I let out a laugh as he did. This is what I needed. To let loose and have my friends and family around me.

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