Bar time

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I pulled into my drive way. My brothers truck was already here. I deeply regret giving him that key that opened the gates and my front door. I parked and got ready for the fight. Don't get me wrong I love my brother but lately we have been fighting a lot.  I hated fighting with him.  I parked, and got out of my dark red 4 inch lifted  ram truck. I hopped out  and stuck my key in the door and opened the door. I put my keys up on its hook and took my boots off. The light in the kitchen was on. I went in to the kitchen to see Jason stuffing his face with the cookies that I had just bought.
"Helping your self I see." I told him.

"Yep." He said with a mouth full. I rolled my eyes at him. "So have you meet anyone yet?" I let out a very  sigh.

"No and what's it to you?" We looked each other in the eyes.

"Your 26 years old! It's time for you to start to settle down. Have some kids. You have a career, time to start thinking of other things."

"Some days I can't tell if your my brother or my mother! I settle down when I want too. I love to perform. I want kids but not now! In the future I would love some. Just not right now!"

"Madison! Stop fighting me on this."

"Fine." I turned to my hall that led to the front door slipped my boots back on and grabbed my keys.

"Where are you going?"

"Some where! I'm tired of fighting with you. Where's my brother that supported my choices? Go on and help your self like you always do!" I then went and got in my truck.

Soon I was sitting at the bar counter drinking a beer. It was kind of quiet for a Saturday night. The jukebox played in the background.
"Do you mind If I sit here?" I looked up. A guy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes looked down at me. He had a hat on backwards.

"Sure. Help your self." He smiled. His teeth weren't straight but it looked good on him.

"I got to ask what's a pretty girl like you doing here drinking alone?"

"Well I needed a little break from life. For a bit."

"Long day?"

"Something like that."  He waited for me to say something else. He looked like sombody that i could trust. I don't know why but i finally said my brother and me are arguing at the moment. The bartender came over. I ordered a Jack Daniels on the rocks. While he ordered a beer.

"Where are my manners, I'm Ryan Upchurch."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Madison Aldean."

"Well Miss. Aldean  aren't you afraid of your brother finding you? Since you are at  his bar?"

"Naw. He would send somebody to come get me. Because he know that I won't go with him. Might take a shot at him." I shugged my shoulders.  "Plus I can't ruin that pretty face of his. His producer would not be happy at me." He let out a chuckle. We sat there a while talking and getting to know each other. 

"Last call!" The bartender called.

"Well I guess I better go. Hopefully my brothers gone."

"It's been a while so I hope for you that he will be gone for ya." I smiled at him.

"Well it was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too." I got up and went to my truck. I drove since I wasn't drunk. I had just a beer and a little Jack Daniels. But I felt like I had a nice buzz and it wasn't from the alcohol it was from Ryan Upchurch. I should have gotten his number. "Shit." Now I properly won't ever see him again.

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