Chapter Three: Bloodline

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The yell of the young girl's name echoed throughout the whole area they were in. (Y/N) got dropped off nearby her sister and father so Kenny could go back into hiding. She didn't care what happened to him at the moment. She only cared about the family reunion. And finally, after so long, she saw Historia's face. The blonde turned her head to see who had called her name, only for her blue eyes to widen. She took a few steps away from Rod to fully face the older woman who was running up to her at a fast speed,
"(Y/N)?" She exclaimed.
It became silent for a second before she smiled brightly and felt tears forming in her eyes,
"(Y/N)!" She yelled.
Historia ran towards her, and the two collided into each other, embracing one another. They hugged tightly, nearly squeezing the other to death. Rod watched with horror in his eyes at the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He took a few steps back, his eyes widening with every step,
"You..." He started, "You're not supposed to be alive..."
(Y/N) slowly looked up at him, narrowing her eyes at him. Her father, the man who caused the spiral of her horrid downfall, stood there shaking with shock.

She still held onto Historia, as if shielding her from everything happening around them. (Y/N) didn't know what to feel when her and Rod locked eyes. She was feeling so many mixed emotions all at the same time,
"If you wanted to kill me, you could've executed me." She started, "But you just wanted my mom and I to suffer even more."
Historia moved her head to look at Rod, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion,
"Huh?" She exclaimed, "What do you mean...?"
(Y/N) looked down at her, softening her gaze,
"I'll explain later, Historia..." She said, "But we have to leave."
The blonde moved away from her and stood in between her and Rod, looking at the two of them confusingly,
He cut her off,
"The both of you can't leave." He said, "Especially you, (Y/N)."
She slowly crossed her arms over her chest, quickly glaring at him,
"I don't want to hear my name coming out of your mouth." She said.
Rod glared back,
"You shouldn't speak to your-"
She cut him off,
"I never thought of you as one, so don't even bring up that excuse." She said.
He stared at her, as if being taken aback and hurt by her words. He only shut his eyes for a second before walking towards Historia,
"You're right." Said Rod, "I despise the fact that we're connected. It's a shame that you were born."

Historia brought one of her hands up to her chest, forming it into a fist. She watched her older sister move her gaze away from Rod, feeling the burn from his words,
"What's going on between you two?" She asked, "I thought you only worked as a slave on my father's farm."
(Y/N) turned her head to look at her,
"I was much more than that." She said, "But I don't have time to explain everything right now."
She looked up to see Eren, her eyes slightly widening as she saw his state. His forehead was all bloody with tears running down his cheeks,
"We're going to get you two out of here." She said.
He hung his head low, not bothering to answer her. Historia glared at the older woman,
"No, he's not leaving." She said, "I'm going to eat him."
(Y/N) shot her head to look at her, her eyes widening like crazy,
"Eat him?" She exclaimed, "What the..."
She let out a silent gasp,
"Historia, you can't-"
The blonde cut her off,
"I have to." She said, "I'm going to bring Frieda back, inherit the history of this world and wipe out all the titans!"
She looked up at Eren, clenching her fists slightly,
"That's my mission!" She exclaimed.

(Y/N) stood there in shock, but also in confusion. She looked into her blue eyes, noticing the hesitance and sadness in them. Was she just saying those words to impress Rod? Quickly, she shook her head,
"No, it's not-"
Rod cut her off once more,
"Don't listen to her, Historia." He said, "Remember what I told you!"
The (H/C)-haired woman watched as he grabbed her arm and passed her a syringe with titan serum in it. (Y/N) felt anger rise in her as she saw her inject the syringe in her arm,
"What are you doing?!" She yelled, "Can't you see the bigger picture here, Historia?!"
She took a few steps closer to her, but not close enough. The two sisters locked eyes, and Historia only became even more confused. There were two very different sides and opinions to each person's story. And she didn't know which one to believe,
"Historia." Said Rod.
She turned her head to look at her father,
"There is a meaning to every catastrophe." He said, "Whether humanity is fated to die or survive. That is all in god's hands...So, my mission is to summon god back into this world and offer my prayers to her."
(Y/N) scrunched up her nose in disgust,
"I'm sorry for not explaining everything earlier, but, what other choice do we have?" He asked.

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