Chapter Eight: So Blessed

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"Yes, yes, this looks good right here."

"When will it be done?"

"Tonight? Perfect."

He left the garden and walked back inside, knowing that a certain somebody was free for the afternoon so he had to stay by the office areas. He hoped that he would be able to get out before she noticed that he was there, but the moment he took a step out into the main hall, he heard two heavy double doors opening and the sound of footsteps walking out from behind him. It was silent for a few seconds as he continued walking, but then a certain voice rang out.


Levi stopped walking down the hallway as he heard the woman call out to him. He turned his head to see (Y/N) running up to him with a smile on her face. It's been months since he last saw her so happy. Ever since the death of her mother, she's never been the same happy-going queen she once was. Nowadays, she's been down and more secluded with the exception of a few happy moments. Due to their schedules and differences of work, Levi tried his best to be there for her. Although she appreciated it, she still felt so alone.
Historia had moved back in with (Y/N) at the palace in Mitras after the news of her mother's death. Her main residence was at her country home where she grew up in, but decided to be with her older sister for a while. Even though she had Historia residing with her and taking care of her at her worst moments, she still felt so alone. So when Levi saw her beautiful smile on her face after so long, he felt relief wash over his body. She's happy today, and for many reasons,
"I didn't know you were here." Said (Y/N), stopping in front of him.
He gently grabbed her forearm and leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek,
"I was suddenly called for a meeting." He lied, pulling away.

As he started to let go of her forearm, (Y/N) suddenly grabbed his, still wanting to feel his touch. He raised an eyebrow,
"About what?" She asked.
"The military personnel from Marley." Said Levi.
"Oh...Well, how'd that go?"
He thought about his answer for a minute,
"It was fine." He said, "Just tiring at this point having to discuss the same thing over and over again."
"It'll be over before you know it." She said, "At least you don't have to deal with old men all day long."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes before laughing a bit. He gently brushed her hand away from his forearm to hold it,
"Maybe I shouldn't be complaining then." He joked.
"Yeah!" She said as she patted his shoulder, laughing a bit.
She started to walk away from him, thinking that he would follow but didn't. Levi stood there, waiting to see if she'd notice his absence, and she immediately did. She stopped and turned her head to face him with a confused look on her face,
"Aren't you coming?" (Y/N) asked.
He shook his head,
"I have to head into Stohess District." He said.
"Oh?" She exclaimed, "Why's that?"
"I need to buy a new chair."
He lied right through this teeth. If he were to explain his true reasons, he would spoil his plans for later. Historia was in on it as well.

She cocked her head to the side,
"Really?" She asked, not really believing him.
"Yes." He said, lying some more.
(Y/N) walked back up to him and leaned her face closer to his, scanning his face. He suddenly stood up straight, his hands glued to his sides as Levi stood there silently as she studied him. She hummed and placed her hand on her chin, narrowing her eyes a bit. She moved away from him and laughed,
"Alright..." She said, "I hope to see you soon then, Levi."
She placed both of her hands on his shoulders and gave him a goodbye kiss. The single kiss turned into multiple ones before Levi eventually had to give her one more and pull away right after. (Y/N) waved goodbye to him as he started to walk away from her. After watching him disappear from her sight, her face fell back into the sorrowful expression she was now so acquainted with, and continued to walk down the long hallway.

It was after the sun had set and two hours had passed since the festival started that (Y/N) and Historia decided to join the fun. The now once big crowd of people were split into two to leave the street open for the royals to greet their people safely. The two women walked down the street, waving and interacting with everybody with bright smiles on their faces. The queen walked right up to a young girl who was holding a bouquet of flowers and bent down at her height. The girl passed the flowers to (Y/N) and started smiling from ear-to-ear when she thanked her for the gift.
It went on with the rest of the people. She talked to them like she knew them from the heart. Her presence made people not be so tense once they meet her. They conversed like two normal people. No social differences. Just humans. An officer walked up next to the queen to help hold all the flowers she had received and continued to walk a few feet behind her. Further down the line was an old woman who seemed to have a small scowl on her face. (Y/N) felt as if something was wrong, and out of curiosity, she walked up to the old woman. She still held her smile,
"Are you alright?" She asked.
The old woman just stared at her before glaring. She then started to mumble a few words underneath her breath, sounding like she was speaking in tongue.

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