Hi! I want to create a book to help preppers (like myself) prepare for when the SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) If it is an EMP, Zombies, Floods, Pandemic (Oh wait, nevermind we already know that...), Nuclear bombs, and I don't remember what else but there is more.
So.. a little bit about me?
I am Canadian (Canada!! Canada!!)
I don't live near water
I have arthritis in both my knees so I will most likely also add in things for if you have a problem similar to mine.
No, I am not an old person, the young can get diseases as well.
I know my way around weapons and survival situations (even though I haven't been in any, for longer than a few hours), I also know some self defense.Anyway, I will be publishing the next part (the one with actually information) sometime soon.
If you have any questions please ask and if you have anything to add to any information I have, please do.
Thank you, see you soon. Hopefully 2021-01-16
Remember, when you survive, watch your back, be kind to others but not too kind, stay hidden but be known, you have to live and you have to thrive.
My Apocalypse Survival List
AdventureThis is information that I have gathered from books, shows, movies and from experience (Not in the apocalypse, but I think you get the point). If you are serious about this, please research on your own. I will try to include where I found the infor...