Chapter 17

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Shea's P.O.V ~play the song above~

"Seth" I whisper as I look at him. I feel my heart brake in my chest. Casper warned me he was going to make Seth pay for all those girls he stole from him.

I looked at the love of my life's face, it all bloody and bruised. Gosh his perfect face. This is all my fault!

I feel myself just completely brake inside.. I watch the look on Ashley's brothers face. Its not happy, its not smug. It looks like he feels sorry for us.

"P-Please try and wake him.." I mumble through tears, the cloth still in my mouth. He nods and gently starts to shake Seth. I watch as his electric blue eyes flutter open.

He looks around, so confused. His eyes then lay on me and I feel my heart rate quicken. Oh what i'd do to just hold him..

"Shea..?" He whispers as he looks in my eyes. I watch as his eyes widen and a huge smile forms on his lip. "God baby! Look at you! What did they do to your beautiful face!?" He says angrily, trying to get his hands free. I watch his eyes fill with tears as he looks at the condition I'm in. I begin crying as well.. Noticing how much his face is messed up.. His nose all bruised and bloody, a cut right under his eye brow, and nail scratches on the side of his face. Im going to murder that bitch!

"God Seth i'm so sorry" I mumble through tears. He looks over at Ashley's brother.

"Calvin! Fucking untie her mouth please! God damn you know you're better than this!" I look at Ashley's brother.. So his name is Calvin..

He walks over to me and slowly undoes the cloth. I just look at Seth and cry. "This is all my fault. If I wasn't such a damn slut none of this would have happened. God Seth I want you and only you.. I love you Seth" I let out, tears just falling. He looks at me.. I can tell just how much he wants to comfort me.

"God Shea I love you too" He whispers, tears falling down his face as well.

"Shea.. Seth i'm so sorry.." Calvin whispers. Hes not as much of a bad guy as I thought. "Ashley's my sister and she has so much shit on me.. I'll try and get you guys out of this.." Right as he finishes saying that Ashley starts walking down, following the feet of who I suspect to be Casper.

"Well look at who we have here!" Ashley laughs as she looks at the both of us. "The two love birds!"

"Ashley shit the fuck up" Seth sneers.

"Casper you know what to do" Ashley says with a smirk. My eyes widen as he walks over to me. He smirks as Seth as he grabs my face. He kisses me hard and not how he used to. I feel nothing. I don't kiss back. I try my best to escape it.

"Fucking get off of her Casper!" I hear Seth yell. I watch as Casper pulls away and I spit in his face. He slaps me and hard and I hear Seth yell and move around.

"This is what you get Seth! You're going to regret fucking me over so much with chicks! It seems Shea means the most to you! So im going to take her away from you! So you can feel like shit every day knowing you lost her!"

"Now boys behave" Ashley laughs. "Shea how does it feel to be fought over? Huh? Haha don't worry sweet heart it'll be over soon and all you'll have is Casper"

"Don't touch Seth I swear to god. Do what you want to me but don't fucking hurt him. Because I will kill you with my bare hands Ashley. You know I will" I say angrily at her.

"Keep going Casper" She laughs as he starts to undo my blouse.

"Casper stop fucking stop! What the hell are you doing!?" I yell at him, his lips start kissing at my cleavage. "Casper stop!" I yell as I start crying.

"Fucking stop!" Seth yells as well. Pain in his voice.

"Take Seth away Calvin" Ashley says. "Lets leave these two alone." She smirks.

Calvin looks so hurt as he pulls Seth away. Seth is yelling and crying.

"Shea I love you!" He yells to me

"God I love you too!" I yell back as Casper rips open my top.

Im crying so hard right now as Casper runs his hands over my body. I keep struggling trying to pull away,

"Casper please stop" I beg, but its no use. He slaps me.

"Shut up!" He yells and I wince.

He rips open my bra and pulls it off of me. His mouth then sucking and kissing at my breasts. I'm crying enjoying none of it. I hear a loud bang upstairs and that doesn't stop Casper. He rips off my my pants and his hands touch my privates in ways I never wanted to be touched..

"Get the fuck off her!" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell. I look up and see a cop pointing a gun at Casper. He stands up slowly the officer runs towards him and cuffs him against the wall. Then starts pulling him away. Another cop walks over to me. I start crying in relief as he unties me. He hands me a blanket and I cover myself.

"C'mon, we'll keep you safe" He whispers as he pulls me upstairs. I see Calvin being put into the back of a cop car as I get to the top if the stairs, I see Ashley getting thrown in on the other side. Casper's on the ground, trying to fight the officer.

I stand there shivering and I spot Seth.

My whole world lights up as I run towards him, the blanket still wrapped around me.

He engulfs me in his arms and holds me tightly against him. My whole body relaxes and I finally know where I belong and who Im supposed to be with.. Right here in Seth Morbin's arms.







~My new Step Brother is a jerk. A sexy jerk~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now