Chapter 4

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Shea's P.O.V

I hopped in the passenger seat of Seths car and looked over at his shocked face and then at Lisa's happy face. 

"Yay! Your coming!" Lisa said happily

"Yup! I decided I could use some ice cream. I felt hot" I looked over at Seth his face flushed a light pink and a smug grin plastered on his face. 

"Well i'm glad I could be of asistance" He said resting his hand on my leg rubbing it softly. 

"Hey! Seth! Stop feeling up Shea!" We both turned looking at the 10 year old in shock. 

"Lisa! Where did you hear that?" Seth asked her 

"A movie I watched at Kimberly's. Gosh Seth you treat me like i'm 5!" She said with a huff. 

"Well you act th-"

"Seth. Leave it alone" I said resting my hand on his leg this time. He tensed at my touch and he gulped. Hahaha hes so horny right now from our makeout session. I'll tease him a bit. 

As he started driving I started moving my hand up and down his leg. He shot me a glare and I just smiled. I rubbed closer to Seth Jr and smiled. He was aroused. I put my hand over Seth Jr and I heared a soft moan escape Seths lips. 

"Seth are you okay?" Lisa asked. 

I kept rubbing. "Uhh ye- ohh yeah I am fine Lisa!" He said forcing a smile. He closed his eyes for a breif moment. 

"Eyes on the road Seth" I said to him. 

"I would but ya know I'm kinda distracacted" He said through gritted teeth. 

'Oops sorry" I removed my hand and smiled. I like teasing him. Now if I can only keep my control I can have him wrapped around my finger. 

We arrived at the ice cream parlor and ordered our ice creams. I was sat next to Seth and Lisa sat across from us. 

"I'm going to go run to the bathroom real quick" I said standing up. 

"I'm gonna go to, Lisa you'll be fine right?" He asked standing up.

"Yeah i'll be fine. Gosh Seth i'm not 5!" She pouted taking another bite of her ice cream. I just giggled and headed to the bathroom. I don't really need to go. I just need to clear my head. Seth followed me to the bathroom. Shit it was a family bathroom. 

"I'll go first" I said opening the door. 

"Oh no no no, We can go in there together" Seth said walking in after me. 

"Seth! I am not peeing infront of you" 

"Who said there would be peeing involved?" He asked with a rasied eyebrow.

"Really seth?"

"Babe, you caused a problem. You now have to fix it" My eyes looked over his excitement and smiled. 

''Sure" I said smiling at him.

"Really?" He asked shocked

I walked over to him. He back up his back pressed up against the wall. He looked down at me and gulped. I rubbed my hand over his erection through his pants earning him a groan. "Is Seth Jr excited?" I asked softly in his ear. I heared him gulp. 

"Ye- yes he is" 

"Do you want me to fix that for you?" I asked and them nibbling softly on his ear lobe. He sucked in a breath making me smile. 

"Yes please" I smiled and gently kissed his neck. Licking and sucking gently on his skin. "Damn Shea" Gosh he has no idea. He is going to hate me when I stop and walk away from him. 

~My new Step Brother is a jerk. A sexy jerk~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now