Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Shea's P.O.V

I layed there in my bed thinking about what happened with me and Seth over the weekend. He called me a slut. How could he do that? I pondered the thought of actually going through with giving Casper a chance. He didn't call me a slut... 

"Shea?" I heared Seths voice through the door. 

"What?" I said in a crule tone. 

"Its time to go to school lets go" He said back with no emotion. 

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. I was satisfied. I looked cute. I grabbed my bag and books and walked out into the hallway. 

I reached the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Seth. Gosh I almost forgot how freaking sexy he- No Shea hes and asshole. 


"Shut up Seth, lets just go" I continued to walk out the door, I felt Seth grab ahold of my hand and I stopped. 

"Shea please Im sorry" I wripped my hand away from the warmth of his and continued to walk. I made m way to the car and got in the passenger side slamming the door behind me. 

Seth followed the saddest pain on his face. He started the car and drove us to school. Not one word said no sound made. 


I walked down the hallway trying to find this stupid classroom. I kept walking when my phone buzzed. I started walking and searching for my phone. I finally found it when I bummped into a hard chest. 

"Woah why don't you watch-" I looked up seeing Casper face looking down at me with a frown. "Casper" I said in a whisper. 

"Why don't you watch were your going" He said then started walking away. 

"Casper wait!" I said chasing after him. 

"What" He said angrily and stopping. 

"I want to give you a chance" I said. He turned around and looked at me confused. 

"What?" He asked with a confused look and walking towards me. 

"I want to try us" I said in a quiet voice and looking down at the ground. 

I felt his finger go under my chin and lift my eyes to meet his. 

"You really want to?" He asked looking into my eyes. 

I bite my lip and looked into his beautiful eyes. "Yes" I said simply. A smile formed on his lips and he slowly closed his eyes and leaned in kissing me softly. I didn't close my eyes because I didn't feel anything but I wanted this to be believeable. So I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Stupid I know. 

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine and gave me an eskimo kiss... Just like Seth used too... Tears started forming in my eyes. I missed him, but he hurt me. This is payback. If he wants to call me a slut. I'll show him one. 

I looked up seeing Seth staring at me and Casper. A tear fell down his cheek. This is what he gets. 

But Shea remember what he told you It kills him when he sees you in Caspers arms

I don't care he deserves this after what he did. 

He apologized didn't he?

Yeah so one appology isn't going to change how I feel. I can't forget what he called me. This is his fault. 

I watched as he ran out of the school. Great. Just fucking great. 

"Casper i'm going to go home. I don't feel well" I said after a couple minutes of walking through the halls. 

"But its your first day" He said squeezing my hand a little tighter.

"I know but I'll have plenty more days of this. I'm just going to go." I said pulling his hand away from mine. 

"Okay babe. I'll call you tonight" He kissed me softly once more before just leaving me in the middle of the hallway. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. Im so stupid. 

I ran to the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stall letting the tears fall heavily down my cheeks. Im so fucking stupid. If I had my car I could go see my dad but no I just had to ride with Seth. 

After a good 15 minutes I made my way out of the bathroom and walked through the empty hallways and walked out the front of the school. I looked around and saw that Seths car was gone. 


I started walking home. One foot after the other. I walked and thought. Thought about how stupid I am for doing this. 

I am with a guy I hate

I made the guy I think I love cry

The guy I might love thinks i'm a slut

I'm walking home and its going to rain

Im just stupid

So so stupid

As I walked I could feel the rain start up. Drop after drop soaking my hair and clothes. I just kept walking I didn't care at this point. 

Why did I do this to Seth? Oh yeah I know because im a slut. Just like he wants me to be. 

My stomach was churning. I was discusted with myself. Expecially after kissing Casper. 

I need to apologize to Seth. I need to fix things with him. 


As I reached the house I was soaked. Seths car was in the driveway and I was ready to talk to him. I thought about what I was going to say to him. How I was going to approach him. 


As I entered the house. I noticed Seths shirt on the ground. Wtf? 

"Seth?" I said looking around the house. More peicing of his clothing all over the house. Along with others... Oh my gosh. He.. He

I stormed up to his room and I could hear it going on. I was pissed. I barged into his room and he stopped looked over at me and the girl screamed. 

"SETH WHAT THE FUCK!?" He looked down at the girl and she looked over at me confused and angry. 

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked me

"No what I want to know who you are?" 

"Its non of your buisness now get out" 

"No" I said trying to hold back my tears. I looked over at Seth and a tear fell down my face. 

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I yelled running at him. He stood up and tried explaining but this was it. I was beyond ready to talk to him. 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!  HOW COULD YOU!?" I said punching his chest. "AND TO THINK I WAS GOING TO TRY AND FIX THINGS!? AND YOU CALL ME A SLUT!? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I started sobbing hysterically. "I can't believe you" I started backing away from him. I could feel my stomach churn. I'm going to be sick. 

Everything was slient. I blocked out everyones voices. I could hear anything. I needed to get out of there. I ran from the room and to my own locking the door. I could feel Seth nocking on the door but I couldn't hear him screaming. I didn't want to hear his excusses. I was done...



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