Chapter 6

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Hey guys I see your liking my story! I am trying my very best to update as much at as possible but I have just stared High School 2 weeks ago and the homework is freaking endless. I swae its like the teachers enjoy making me do 5 essays each night -_-


Shea's P.O.V

I layed in my bed looking up at the celing. I had my hands rested on my stomach and I was very much comfortable. 

I layed there thinking about what had happened a couple hours agon with me kissing Casper. Honestly I don't regret it. He was a great kisser. His lips where soft, so pink. I mean his lips where heaven. But then there where Seths kisses. God those always left me brethless. No matter how much I tried I could not shake off the feeling that I did indeed have feelings for him. I mean who wouldn't he was gorgeous. 

I huffed and got off my bed. I need a drink... of water. Hahaha no not alchohol. 

I reached the kitchen and got a glass getting water from the fridge dispenser. I heared a person clear their throat and I jumped spilling a little bit of water on the floor. 

"Shit!" I cursed. I didn't focuse on the person who cleared their throat. I could care less. I picked up the water and threw away the paper towels. I looked up and saw Casper standing there looking at me intently. He was still here? 

"Seth is going to kill me for doing this but I have to" He walked over to me and grabbed the glass out of my hand and placed it on the counter. I looked up at him in wide eyes. What in the living hell is he doing? 

He looked into my eyes and his god they where beautiful, not as beautiful as Seths but god they could kill. 

"Casper what are you doing?" I asked him confused. He didn't answer he just settled one of his hands on my waist and the other on my cheek. 

"Just wait and you'll find out" He chuckled. Oh god. He leaned his face closer to mine. My breath hitched and I became nervous. He was going to kiss me and I just met him! Well I did let Seth kiss me a day after I met him! But thats not the point! I already kissed him. 

His thumb caressed the skin on my cheek gently and I cuddled into his hand. His hands where so warm. 

"Your so beautiful. Ever since I saw you in that car crying I can't stop thinking about you" He said looking into my eyes with s much emotion. 

I blushed a crimsone red and he just chuckled. "Its cute when you blush" I blushed deeper and he just chuckled again. 

His hand left my side and now both of his hands where holding my face. "Are you going to kiss me already?" I asked biting my lip. He smiled and then pressed our lips together. I moaned when I felt his lips touch mine gently they where so soft agianst mine. 

His hands left my cheeks and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. Mmm. His tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for entrence and I gladly excepted allowing his sweet taste to fill my mouth. Oh he tasted delicious. All of my thoughts went to Seth. I felt like I was betraying him somehow. 

I felt a pais of eyes watching me. I opened my eyes to see Seth standing there watching us. I pulled away from Casper and he looked confused. I released from his grip and walked upstairs to my room. They can handle that how they want. 

Why did I think about stupid Seth while I was kissing a perfectly good man who obviously wanted me and I wanted him. 

'But you want Seth more'  

My inside thoughts told me. 

They where right I did want Seth, but liking you Step Brother is frowned apon last time I checked. I don't know what it is about him that makes me want him so much. Hes an asshole! 

~My new Step Brother is a jerk. A sexy jerk~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now