Chapter 15

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Shea's P.O.V

Its dark in the basement and I keep trying to get free. My writs burning from my struggle.

I haven't seen or heard anything from Ashley's brother which honestly makes me so happy. He scares the living shit out of me. This whole thing scares the living shit out of me.

I lick my dry lips, my tongue running along them slowly, my lips soaking up as much as it can even though my tongue is also dry as fuck.

I stop struggling for a minute and just try to relax, my cheeks stiff and dry from my tears. I tried crying, screaming but nothing seem'd to help my situation.

The only light I can see is coming from a small rectangular window in the corner of the room.

I look at the small rectangular window, thinking to myself if I could even fit through it. My mind running a thousand scenarios on how I could possibly escape.


I listen for a minute, remembering that creak all too well. I panic for a minute and look at the light shinning down as it flicks on, illuminating the basement stairs.

Feet, mens feet start walking down, following a click of a woman's heel. I stay quiet and watch each step of ever foot. I hear Ashley's annoying voice echo through the room and my eyes roll on instinct. I watch as her tall pale legs make their way down the stairs behind her brother.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here" Ashley sneers. My eyes roll again and I glare at her.

"Hello Ashley" I say back with the fakest smile I have ever put on. I could feel my stomach drop as she smiles seeing me in the pain and state I am in. She walks over and grabs my face between her hand, her nails digging into my skin. I hold back a wince and look her dead in the eyes.

"Still looks so pathetic" She says looking in my eyes. One eye at a time. I watched as her deep blue eyes turned red, and my eyes widen. I almost feel the tension in the room rise, my face turns as pale as a ghost.

I flick my head to the side, getting my face out of her strong grip.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell, as her eyes turn back to a crystal blue color.

"Shut the hell up Shea. You say another word you'll find out what the hell is wrong with me." She sneers. I watch as she starts to pace. She stops as she hears a rapid knocking on the front door.

"Ashley fucking open up!" I hear Casper's voice echo. My eyes instantly widen and I start to yell.

"Casper help!!! Fucking he-" I'm silenced as Ashley's brother smacks me across the face, he grabs me by the throat and looks dead in my eyes. I gasp for air and feel my breath escaping from me. I start to try and fight back but his grip just gets tighter. I feel so weak, I just want to go home. I look in his eyes pleading with him. I can feel the blood rushing to my face, as he then lets go. I gasp for air, coughing and crying. I look around and notice Ashley's already gone and upstairs.

"Listen Shea. Be good and we wouldn't have to do this" He warns as he walks upstairs, not even giving me a glance.

Guys I am so fucking sorry I haven't updated in so long. My computer broke and my phone is such a bitch when I want to write. I LOVE YOU GUYS DONT THINK FOR ONE MINUTE IM GOING TO STOP WRITING FOR YOU!

~My new Step Brother is a jerk. A sexy jerk~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now