Chapter 14

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Chapter 14. Shea's P.O.V

I sit there and look around, panic filling me in ways it never has before. My heart beating at a thousand beats per minute it seems like. I try taking a deep breath but my mouth is so dry, and my throat so sore from crying that it literarily hurts to breath.

Im sitting in the basement alone. I can't believe that Ashley would stoop this low in hurting me. That she could want Seth that bad.


"Shit" I curse out loud against the clothe in my mouth, as I start trying to get loose, my hands pulling at the handcuffs. I hear the basement door creek and I start struggling faster to get free, grunting and groaning as I try to free my hands.

Ashley's brother steps close to me and slaps me hard across the face. I wince loudly.

"Stop struggling bitch" He spits at me. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "Boo Hoo, you fucking baby. Grow up!" He yells. I just start crying harder. He grabs my face tightly in his hands and squeezes. He looks directly in my eyes. "Listen you dumb bitch. Stop crying or im gonna fucking hurt you more!" He shoves my face to the side as he lets go of it.


Seth's P.O.V

I pace the living room, my face stiff from crying. Its 2am and Shea is still not home. Im starting to get really worried. I pull out my phone and try calling her cell, for what seems like the hundredth time. It still just rings and rings and then goes to her voicemail.

"Should I call Casper?" I ask myself.

I start dialing his number and start calling him.



Ri- "What do you want Seth?" Casper asks angrily.

"Are you still with Shea?" I ask worriedly.

"No I dropped her off about an four hours ago why?" He asks his voice calming.

"Shes not here. Casper" I say starting to shake.

"Shit Im such an idiot. Ill be there in 10 minutes" I hear him open his car door and he then hangs up. I keep pacing and shaking. My chest starts to get really heavy and I start having trouble breathing, my head getting cloudy, my eyes droopy, my body really weak. I hear the front door open and then close and I plop myself on the couch. Casper walks over to me.

"Dude you okay?" He asks kneeling in front of me. I shake my head no. I sit forwards, my elbows on my knees, my face in my hands, I start rocking back and forth, trying to calm down. "I shouldn't have left her man, I'm sorry" After he said that, I felt my body full of rage.

"You fucking left her!?" I scream. "Are you a fucking idiot!? Shes 17! She could be dead in an alley right now because of you, you ass! Where the hell did you leave her?!" I yell.

"Dude chill"

"Chill!? You want me to fucking chill!? the girl I love could be dead right now and you want me to fucking chill!?"

"I left her on the side of the road" He whispers. After that I lost it and punch him so hard in the face I heard my knuckles brake. Casper winces and holds his nose.

"You did what!?" I yell.

"My anger go the best of me man!" He yells back.

"If shes dead Casper. So help me God, you will be next" I say angrily and leave the house.


To be continued in the next chapter.

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Will they find Shea alive?

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