Chapter 18

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Shea's P.O.V

Calvin was the one who called the police.

When Seth told me that I couldn't believe it.

Honestly, Seth and I are also really lucky because mom went on a business trip with his dad and again Lisa was with his grandmother. So they won't ever know about it...

Me and Seth are home alone, and Im honestly petrified. My bodies been shaking like crazy ever since Casper touched me those ways.. I cant sleep. Nightmares are literally clouding my mind..

I feel Seths arms wrap around my small body from behind and I slightly jump, not expecting it.

"Baby you okay..?" He says softly in my ear as he rubs my waist. I pull away and rub my upper arm.

"S-Seth.." I begin. He shakes his head and walks over to me, his hand resting on my upper arm.

"Shea there is no way in hell I am going to touch you or hurt you like that bastard did. I have no intention of hurting you.. Baby I love you.. Ive never said that to a girl.. Im here to love you.. Let me love you" He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead, and I instantly relaxed.

"Im just.. It was so scary Seth" i whisper as I begin to cry. "It was all my fault. Ive been so fucked up since I was a kid. I kept going back and forth because I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't know what love or liking someone felt like. I was scared to get attached Seth. Last person I cared about died Seth. They fucking died. I couldn't let someone back in like that and experience all that pain all over again, it awful" I sob as I cling to him. He rests his head on mine and kisses it softly.

"Baby I promise.. You're not going to loose me." He whispers as he softly caresses my face, wiping away my tears. He looks in my eyes and smiles. "You're so god damn beautiful Shea" A deep blush covers my face and he softly leans in and kisses my nose. I smile softly and he then leans down and picks me up, holding me bridal style.

"C'mon princess lets go lay down. Ill give you cuddles and make sure you sleep okay" He whispers as he gives me a gentle eskimo kiss. I blush and nod, laying my head on his chest.

He walks up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom. I just hold onto him and close my eyes, taking in his beautiful scent. As he makes his way to my room, he opens the door and brings us inside. He lays me on the bed softly and pulls the blanket over me. I smile at him and he walks to the other side of the bed. He removes his shirt and I blush and look away giving him privacy.

"You know you dont have to look away" He chuckles and I look over at him and roll my eyes playfully. "Don't make me tickle you Shea" He warns as he crawls into the bed.

"No! Don't do th- Hahahaha Seth stop!!!" I wasn't fast enough. He starts tickling me and I squirm around. My laugh echoing through the room. I try to pry his hands off of me.

"Say mercy!!!" He says laughing as he tickles me. God his laugh.

Im laying there gasping for air as I laugh. "M-Mercy!!!" I yell through a fit if giggles.

He stops and hovers over me. As I catch my breath I look up at him and I notice how close his face is to mine. He closes his beautiful eyes and rests his forehead on mine. "God Shea you're so beautiful" My face turns crimson red again with a blush. He gently rubs his nose against mine and my big brown eyes flutter shut.

"And you're so damn handsome" I whisper. I slightly open my eyes and I see he's already looking at me, a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. Aweee he's so fucking cute.

He softly bites his lip and I watch. Oh fuck.

He leans down and gently presses his lips to mine, a bolt of electricity running through my body. My hands go up and gently hold his handsome face.

God his lips.

I run my hands through his silky black hair, his lip piercing feeling cold against my lip. I gently start to move my lips against his, in a slow passionate movement. His hand runs slowly down my body and it literally feels like heaven.

One thing all of you should know about love, things never feel the same with any one else. The person you love will leave you breathless and everything will literally feel so perfect you wont even have the right words to describe it.

When im with Seth.. God i've never felt anything like it.. Just his smile makes me want to melt..

Seth slowly pulls his lips from mine, and he starts placing small kisses down my jaw. My eyes stay closed and I slowly throw my head back, loving the feeling. My mind just completely shuts out all the memories of Casper. Its just me and Seth. The feelings, are just me and Seth. The actions, are just me and Seth. No one else.

I run my small hand into his hair and gently tug on it, earning a soft groan from his plump lips.

My body shivers and my skin erupts with goosebumps as his lips kiss at my neck and suck at my neck, earning a soft moan from now my swollen pink lips.

"B-Baby" I breath through a soft moan, a blush on my cheeks. Seth slowly kisses back up my neck and jawline and he gently kisses my lips.

He then lays down next to me and pulls my back into his chest. "You're mine now Shea. You have a nice mark now to prove it" he whispers in my ear as he gently nips at my earlobe.

"Seth! You left a hickey on my neck!?" I say through a laugh and I turn towards him. He's laying there a smug smile on his face. Hes proud of himself.

"Yes I did love bug" He whispers as he softly kisses my lips again.

"What if my mom or your dad sees it?" I whisper

"Just say someone else gave it to you" he laughs.

"Lisa is gonna know. You know that" I laugh and he does too.

"That girl knows a lot for being 10" He says shaking his head.

"Remember when she caught you feeling me up!?" I ask laughing.

"Hey! Shush haha, you loved it" he says with a chuckle.

"Not when Lisa was watching!" I laugh again and then cuddle into him.

He chuckles softly "Get some sleep love bug" He whispers and then kisses my forehead. "I love you Shea" He whispers to me.

I yawn and cuddle into his warmth. My small hands rested on his chest. "I love you too Seth" and after those words, i was fast asleep in his arms.






~My new Step Brother is a jerk. A sexy jerk~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now