Mother Dearest

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Two weeks later...

I took small and cautious sips of my tea. A frown was plastered in my face. A frown was always stuck on my face in the presence of my mother. She sat across from me, she seemed absolutely delighted. It was strange to see my mother in such a good mood, unless she was scheming something. We had made little and agonizing small talk. She had mentioned something about me settling down. I'm 17. She boosted about honorable suitors in American.
"What seems to be the matter?" She asked. Like she cared. I faked a smiled.
"It's nothing." I replied.
"You cannot believe the possible suitor I met. He's the son of Elizabeth Brown. You remember Elizabeth Brown, don't you?" I nodded, "well he son is quite a handsome young man. I should set you up." There she goes again. I did a mental eye roll. I remember Walter Brown-Elizabeth's son- he was a tall man with gray piercing eyes like his mother. They always scared me. He was a few years older than me and bullied me throughout my youth.
"I heard your brother is in town." My mother stated. Great, a family reunion.
"Yes, I believe he's friends with Gideon Lightwood."
"Have you met the Lightwoods yet. I sent a letter to Benedict to make you welcomed. I was hoping you'd become close with his son Gabriel." That explained the invitation. And of course she's want me to meet Gabriel.
"I have. I've become close with Gabriel on my own." I smiled at the thought of him. We have become very close these past two weeks. Everyone still had no idea I've been sneaking away everyday to visit him. Also these past two weeks, I had become closer and close to Will. Will. Every night I dreamt of him. And each dream left me wanting, yearning for more. It didn't help that I had to face him the next morning after every dream.
"Really? Well," a smirk tugged at the side of my mother's face, "isn't that great news."

A few hours past of my mother pressuring me into telling me about Gabriel, but I refused, quickly changing the subject every time. Sophie came in and announce dinner was ready. I was thrilled to finally eat. I was starving and desperately trying to get out of talking with my mother for another second. We follow Sophie into the dining room. Everyone was already sitting at the table. The only open seats were next to Henry- at the end of the table- and the other next to Will. I slipped into the seat next to Will. First, because I didn't want to sit and listen to Henry continuously tell me about his experiments. Second, I wanted a reason to be near Will. My mother sat herself next to her brother. She wasn't pleased sitting next to Henry, and seeing her try to hide her distaste almost made me giggle. Everyone sat in silence waiting for someone to either start eating or to speak.
Charlotte broke the silence, "Dora, I hope you and your daughter had a pleasant conversation."
My mother smiled, "We did." And with that everyone began eating and having small conversations with each other. I ate and quietly listened to everyone's conversations, uninterested in starting my own.
My mother loudly announced to Charlotte, "Charlotte, you're a happy house wife, please explain the importance and satisfaction of being marriage." I felt myself go scarlet. Charlotte stuttered, trying to find her words.
"Clara refuses to get married. Lewis and I got married at sixteen and we had a perfect marriage. I want Clara to know it's okay to settle." My mother continued to ramble. I felt Will's eyes burning a hole in my skull.
"I hope Gabriel will be able to convince her to settle down and start a family." I could see Will's eyes widen.
"Gabriel Lightwood?" Will asked, but it sounded like he was demanding it.
"Yes, apparently they're awfully close." Jessamine sent a confused and horrified look. She knew about me sneaking out to see Gabriel.
"How?" Will demanded again.
"What do you mean how, Mr. Herondale- "
I cut her off, "If you'll excuse me." I said, dashing out of the room. I knew my mother would lecture me about how ladies down leave dinner abruptly. But I didn't care. I only wished to be in my room, alone. I was almost to my door when someone grabbed my wrist and spin me around to face them. I was met with two piercing blue eyes.
"What was your mother talking about you and Gabriel being close?"
"Will, I don't want to talk about it now."
"Why?" He demanded, "is it true? How could it be true? You haven't seen him since he came to the Institute."
"I've been sneaking off to met him after training." I said, defeated. Will dropped my wrist. "It's been going on for two weeks now. I think I've taken a liking towards him ." Will's eyes didn't meet mine. His face was twist in confusion and anger. But what was he angry at? Was he angry at me for keeping it a secret? Was he mad at Gabriel, to be mad a Gabriel? Or what was it? I didn't want to question him about it. His eyes ignited with anger as he looked at me.
"Are you joking with me?" I shook my head, "GABRIEL LIGHTWOOD? Out of all the people in London, GABRIEL!" He started to pace.
"Are you doing this in spite of me?" He asked. He sounded ridiculous.
"No! That's preposterous! I LIKE Gabriel! He's the exact opposite of you!" I blurted.
He stopped, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"N-nothing. What I mean to say is, I like Gabriel and there is nothing you can do about it." I placed my hands on hips.
Will's eyes met mine. It felt like he was staring right through my facade. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at his gaze. I was afraid I would melt at his feet.
I clung to every word he said, "Nothing I can do. We'll see." He walked off, leaving me wondering, what is this boy doing to do?

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