Dancing Until Midnight

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May 24, 1878; The Institution

It was the day of the ball. The day before, Jessamine took me to town to look for a new dress. She picked out a gorgeous lilac ball gown with gold trimming in the bodice.
The morning of we were all sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. Jessamine wasn't with us that morning though, which worried me a bit. Jem was with us this morning, he wasn't the pass two days. In fact, I didn't see him at all these past two days. Sophie walked in and whispered something in Charlotte ear then walked out.
Charlotte turned to me, "It appears Jessamine has fallen ill and will not be attending the ball with you tonight."
I nodded. I was truly disappointed, "That's terrible. I'm not sure what I'll do now. I may not even go."
Jem was quick to protest, "No no. You must. It's a great opportunity to meet people. If you'd like Will or I will go with you."
"Jem. I'd think it best if you rest. Will will go with Clara." Charlotte rested her hand on Jem's.
"I agree." Will said, "I'll go with Clara to the ball. You stay here." Jem looked like he was about to protest.
Then he looked at me, "What would you like to do, Clara."
"You should do what's best for your health Jem. And if that means staying here and resting, then I don't want to be in the way of that. And besides I'm happy to take Will with me." Jem smiled at me. I knew he knew going with me would be a bad idea. We shared a smile.
Charlotte turned to me in a low voice, "I would like to speak with you in the study after breakfast."
I nodded, "Of course." We continued on with breakfast. After Charlotte pulled me into the study. She looked with a stern face.
"This is embarrassing to ask of you. But will you keep an eye of Will at the ball. Make sure he doesn't say something to... offend anyone."
I nodded to her, "Of course." I'd never expect her to ask me to babysit Will.
"He's has so rivalry with one of Benedict's sons." I agreed to watch Will. I turned to leave when she spoke up again. "I wanted to say something else."
"I understand you were trained by your brother until he left. I was wondering if you would like to continue your training here." I was shocked. My mother didn't care to continue my training after my brother left. And my father was set on making me some rich nobleman his wife. I always loved training with my brother. I was so sad once he left. I continued to read books on weapons and the Shadowhunter law and demons. I felt tears forming in my eyes.
"I would love to." Being a Shadowhunter meant everything to me. I run up and hugged. Charlotte. She was taken aback but hugged me back.

After lunch I decided to go check on Jessamine. I had to ask Sophie where her room was, so I wouldn't get lost. She gave me directions, and I only got lost once. My quietly knocked on her door.
"Come in." Said a distressed Jessamine. I quietly slipped inside her room. Jessamine laid on her bed. One of her arms load over her head, the other laid lazily on her bed beside her.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, seating myself on the edge of her bed.
"Like I'm going to die!" She said over dramatically. I tried not to tell her she was over exaggerating. She sat up. Her face was pale.
"It's just the flu." I said reassuringly.
"I'm sorry you have to go to the ball with Will." She rolled her eyes.
"It won't be as bad as you think." I said, trying to reassure myself.
"It's Will. He's annoying. And you have to be stuck with him the whole night."
"I won't be stuck with him. I'll be dancing. Making friends."
She smiled, "Promise me you'll dance until you feet turn blue."
I laughed, "I promise. I'll continue to dance even when the music stops."
We talked for what it seemed like hours. I was happy I had made a friend here. Sophie came in and told me I should start getting ready. She offered to do my hair, and I couldn't say no.
She helped me tighten my corset, I wanted it tighter than usual, it being a special event. She helped me slip into my stunning gown. Jessamine said when we bought it, it was a little out of style but it suited me. Sophie pinned my red locks back. She place a golden clip in my hair, tying the whole look together.
Sophie told me there was a carriage outside already.
"I believe Will is waiting outside with the carriage." She grabbed my coat and helped me put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked beautiful. I had never seen myself looking so divine.
I walked down all the hallways and out into the cool breeze. I saw Will standing on the steps, looking out into the night. He quickly snapped his head to look at me. His eyes widened. He looked like he was seeing me for the first.
Will began to strutter, "You're-You look beautiful." He said meeting my eyes.
"Thank you. You look-" I looked him up and down, "Handsome," he smiled, "for once." His smile faded, and mine widened. I walked down the steps to stand beside him. We linked arms and continue to walk to the carriage. The chauffeur opened our door, and Will held my hand to help me inside. Once he was inside, he shut the door, and the carriage began to move. Will avoided eye contact. He did look very handsome, but I wasn't about to admit it.
"Is this your first ball?" Will broke the silence.
"No. My mother used to throw things like this all the time." He nodded, so I continued, "My mother loved parties. She would throw them constantly. My father and I hated them. We would sit in his study. I would read and he would work. Sometimes we snuck into the kitchen and steal desserts." I sighed, reminiscing.
"I don't remember my parents that well. I ran away when I was eleven, and I found myself here." Will stated. My heart ached at his story.
He quickly changed the subject, "Do you have any siblings?"
"Seven. Four brothers, three sisters. I'm the youngest."
His eyes went wide, "Seven? Good lord." I laughed.
"Do you have siblings."
"I had two sisters." His voice became very serious.
"What happened?" I knew it was wrong to ask about such a personal subject but my curious.
"One of them died. Her name was Ella. I don't know what happened to my other sister."
I placed my hand on top of his, "I'm so sorry Will." He meet my eyes.
"It's fine. It happened a long time ago." He pulled his hand away from mine. There was a few moments of silence. Will looked out the window. "We have arrived." The carriage door opened and Will hopped out. He turned back to help me out. We linked arms and Will places a hand on my arm. We walked inside the beautiful mansion. Will was so close, I could smell the cologne he was wearing. Someone led us to the ballroom. It was the most beautiful room I've ever seen. It made the ballroom at home look cheap. I looked around in awe.
I leaned over to whisper something to Will, "Do you know anybody here?"
He leaned in too, "A few. Most of these people are rich bastards."
I hit his arm, "Will! You can't say that! You don't know them." He smiled and shrugged.
"I can tell you now, Gabriel Lightwood is the most spoiled boy I've met." I rolled my eyes. It was hurtful hearing these people rich bastards, because I also came from money. But I wasn't spoiled. I let go of Will's arm and disappeared into the crowd. I wasn't going to allow Will's words affect my night. I was so frustrated and upset that I didn't notice I ran into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and-" I looked up to see who it was. A gorgeous young man with the most beautiful green eyes stared down at me. He grabbed my shoulders.
"Are you okay Miss? I didn't see you. I apologize." He apologized.
I was at a lost for words, "It's fine. I'm the one who should be apologizing." I quickly pulled myself. He smiled down at me.
"What's your name? I haven't seen you before. Are you a friend of Gideon's."
"No. I don't know anybody. I'm Clara Branwell. If I'm being honest I don't know why I'm here."
"Clara Branwell." He said, as if he was trying to remember if he had heard the name before. He face showed he was lost in thought. He looked at me. "Are you thirsty or hungry?" He asked.
"I was actually looking for something to drink before I ran into you." I lied, I had no idea where I was going before I bumped into him. He smiled and linked his arm with mine and led me to a table full of food and drinks.
"I'm sorry. I didn't ask your name before. What is it?" I asked. He groaned. He was looking at something at the other side of the room. "What is the matter?" I questioned.
"I'm sorry Clara. It appears that Will Herondale is here. How the bloody hell did he get in here?" His face twisted with disgust. I turned my head to see Will leaning against the wall, sipping on champagne, "I'm sorry for my language. But me and Will have hated each other since the Shadowhunter Academy." He shook his head. It was obvious Will's presence bother the boy to the core, "But I let that bastard ruin my night. Back to your question before, I'm Gabriel Lightwood."
That when everything made perfect sense. The reason Will singled Gabriel out at the beginning of the ball. The reason Will gave me a warning the night in the library. They were rivals. And Will was my date to the ball. I brought him here.
"Are you okay?" Gabriel said beside me.
"Yes. Are you up for dancing?" I asked.
He smiled, "I think it's common sense for the man to ask, but I would love to." He led to the dance floor. He place his hand on my waist and held the other. I place my hand on his shoulder. And we danced. We swayed perfectly to the rhythm. He spun me around then snapped me back into his arms. I've never felt this way. I was exhilarated. I've always hated dancing. My mother forced me to take a dance class when I was younger. She said "All good wives should know the simple steps of the ballroom dance." And so I was forced to learn. And I hated me. Expect now. Our steps where in perfectly alined. We held perfect eye contact. Although I wished I was dancing with someone else. Suddenly the music stopped, and we were panting. I caught in the corner of my eye, and angry Will glaring at us. I stepped out of Gabriel's embrace. I didn't realize he was holding me so close to him.
"That was... very lovely. Thank you." I said. He smiled, "If you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air." He nodded in response.
I walked off the dance floor, and out into the balcony. I breath in the midnight air. I sighed.
I thought back to the parties my mother used to throw. They were boring and I loathed having to attend them. I never danced with handsome men at those parties. I realized it has only been a week since I moved here. A week. The week before I left, I was still was black mourning dresses around the house. I liked to believe it hasn't been two months after my father has died. The pain still felt like it was yesterday. I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face.
"Hello." A voice said. It snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't dare to turn around and have a stranger catch me crying. But what I didn't was it wasn't a stranger, "What are you doing here by yourself?" I recognized the voice. It was Will.
"I needed some fresh air." I didn't realize I was whispering.
"You've been our here for quite some time"
"I'm fine Will."I turned around to face him, I didn't realize my eyes were still puffy from crying. His face fell, after seeing my tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.
He grabbed both arms and pulled me towards him, "Is everything ok? Why are you crying? Did Gabriel say something to you?" He face started to twist in anger.
"What?! No! I came out here to get some fresh air. Then I started thinking about the parties my mom threw and... my father." I said quietly.
His face fell again. And before I knew it, he pulled me into his arms. He held me in his arms for a few minutes then let go of me. We stared at each other for a few seconds, unaware of what to do.
"I'm sorry. You ran off after dancing with Gabriel I presumed he had said something to offend you or... he tried to take advances on you." I slightly shook my head. He continued to stare for a few more seconds. He looked away and smiled, he become shy all of the sudden.
"I would love to dance with you, Clara." Will said. I was more than surprised. But I couldn't say no. I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"Lead the way Will." He smile at me. Then he led me back inside and to the dance floor. Will put his hand on my waist and went to grabbed my hand. I put my hand on his shoulder and met his eyes. We started to dance. The whole room faded and all I saw was Will. My heartbeat quickened in my chest. We never broke eye contact. My thoughts were flooded with Will. He held me so close to him. I could smell his cologne. The scent of wood and spice made my heart flutter. The music stopped, but I wished I could dance with Will forever. We stood there long after the music had stopped. I was still in Will embrace. Our faces were inches apart. Will dropped his hand from mine and pulled away from me. Will looked at the clock and cursed under his breath.
"We need to leave. It's past midnight." I nodded. I was at a lost of words. He grabbed my arm motioned me to the door. I gave one last glance around the room and made eye contact with a confused Gabriel Lightwood. I turned back and ushered Will out the door. He led to the carriage and helped me inside.
We spent the rest of the way to the Institute in silence. Once we were at the Institute we walked to our separate rooms. Sophie was already in mine when I close the door. She helped me out of my dress and into my nightgown. She unpinned my hair then sat me down to brush it.
I sat at the vanity, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
"How was the ball?" Sophie asked.
I sighed, "It was lovely. I danced with Gabriel Lightwood. And Will." She stared at me through the mirror.
"It sounds lovely." She said, "I'm all done." She patted my shoulders. I crawled into bed. I was completely exhausted, and my feet were sore.
Sophie was on her way out when she stopped at the doorway.
"Can I give you a word of warning?" I nodded, "Don't fall for Will Herondale. It'll end badly. I can guarantee it." And with that she was gone. I turned off the candle and tried to sleep. Sophie words echoed through my brain all night.

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