If Dream Could Come True

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A month later...

I was in the Lightwood's ballroom again. But I was completely alone. I wore a golden gown. My hair was pinned with golden hair accessories. On the other side of the room, was Will. He wore a black dress coat. He was gorgeous. We started walking towards each other. He placed his hand on my waist and reach to hold my hand. I place one of my hands on his shoulder. And magically the music started and we danced. And danced. And dance. He twirled me around then snapped me back in his arms. We held eye contact the whole time. It was perfect. He was perfect. I could admit now, I was falling hard for Will Herondale. The music stopped. Will pulled me in, and I felt his lips brush mine-

I shot straight up from my bed, panting. It was only a dream, it was only a dream. I couldn't believe it. I dreamt of Will Herondale. I hated myself for even dreaming of Will that like. I got out of bed, right when Sophie walked in.
"Good morning!" She was extra chipper this morning.
"Good morning," I replied. Sophie had a dress in hand.
"I have your dress for today," she said. I didn't recognize it from my closest.
"Where did you get that dress from?"
"It was a gift from Jessamine." Jessamine. I hadn't seen her in a few days, "It didn't fit her, so she wanted you to have it." It was a beautiful dress. It was a sage color. Sophie helped me put it on. I walked to the dining room. Mostly everyone was there. Jessamine was in an argument with Charlotte the day before and not showing up for the meals was her way of protesting. Sophie left a tray of food in front of her door for dinner last night. I slipped into the seat near Henry. A few moment later. Will and Jem walked in, in the middle of a conversation. I couldn't look at Will. Images from the dream seeped into my brain. He kissed me in the dream. Will sat beside me. Oh no. I tried not to look at him. I instead turned and asked Henry about his new inventions. Of course, he went into full detail about things I had no idea about. I sat politely  and listened. I could see Will stealing glances at me from the corner of my eye. I tried to ignore it.
"Clara," Jem interrupted Henry, "sorry Henry I have to say something to Clara."
I turned to face Jem, "Yes?"
"Well, I wanted to let you know that I was going to help you with your training today, but Will volunteered. So he'll be helping you."
"He did?" I asked. I was nervous to be alone with Will. For the past month, Jem was has been the only one to help me with training.
"Yes. Does that bother you?" Jem asked. He looked concerned.
"Do you not want my help?" Will turned to ask me.
"Of course I want your help. I was just..surprised. That's all." I said looking down at my food. I wasn't really hungry this morning.
"You were surprised by me wanting to help you?"
"Let's move on from this. All that matters is that I'm getting the proper training I need." I smiled at Will, trying to ease the conversation. He wasn't fazed.

After breakfast, I slipped on my gear that Sophie had left on my bed, and made my way to the training room. I got lost twice. Will was already in there when I walked in. He didn't look at me.
"Let's start with the basics. I would suggest starting with the seraph blade," his tone was cold and distant. I nodded. He took off one of the seraph blade off the wall and handed it to me. I was surprised by the weight of it. I almost dropped it when he handed it to me. He gave me a weird look. He continued to teach me how to hold the blade and use it. After that we moved on to draggers, then swords.

"This is pointless. I can't do it," I complained. We had been working on bow and arrows and I couldn't quite hit the bullseye. In fact, I was no where the bullseyes.
Will chuckled, "Don't say that. You need practice. That's all." He had seem to be in a better mood then before. He was smiling down at me, "What I think is messing you up, is that you're holding the bow wrong."
"And you decide to tell me that now?!"
He chuckled again, "Let me help you," he moved behind me, placing his hands over mine, guiding me. I could feel his breathe on my neck, and his chest was pressed against my back. We carefully aimed the bow at the target, and rereleased the arrow. It hit the bullseye. I jumped and yelled in glee. I then wrapped my arms around Will's neck, pulling him in for an unexpected hug. He hesitated at first, but then he wrapped his arms about my waist and we shared a joyful hug. I pulled away, smiling.
"I did it." I said blissfully.
"With my help," Will smiled. I softly nudged him. We locked eyes, smiling at each other. My mind went back to the dream the night before. Our staring contest was interrupted by Sophie, who cleared her throat. She was standing in the doorway, holding a tray with two letters on it.
"This came for you Miss Clara." She said, eyeing me and Will.
I quickly grabbed the letters, examining them. I thanked her, and she left. One of them was from my mother. Oh dear. I had sent one a few weeks ago, but I had not desire writing back to her. The other had Gabriel's handwriting on the envelope. We had written to each other once before. I hadn't seen him in a month, since he came by the Institute uninvited. I turned back to Will.
"Do you mind if we end our lesson for today. It appears I have to write to a few people."
Will nodded, "That's perfectly fine." I began to turn away, "And I enjoyed teaching you today." He smiled, he seemed nervous.
I smiled back, then quickly walked away. I hastily walked to my room. I slammed the door, unintentionally and flopped onto my bed. I began to read the letter my mother sent.

Dear Clara,
                     I am so pleased to receive your letter. I'm happy to see you've met people in London. I hope the city is treating you well. I cannot describe how lonely it is without you here. I would like to inform you that I am expected to visit in a months time. Oh how please I am to see you then. I had found many pages from your father's journals. I will be bringing them with me on the trip. I thought you would like to see them.
                                                                    Your               Beloved Mother

I groaned at the thought of my mother being here in London. But I was intrigued by the thought of reading my father's journals. He used to write in them all the time. Every memory I have, is mostly of him writing in his journal. I picked up the letter from Gabriel. I was hesitant to read it, especially since I hadn't talked with him in a long time. I sighed, thinking back to the night of the ball, then the images of the dream I had resurfaced. I cautiously opened the letter.

Dear Clara,
                     I'm sorry this letter is getting to you so late. My family was away on vacation and I couldn't write back to you. Now that I'm back, I was wondering if we could meet for brunch soon.
                                           Gabriel Lightwood

I sighed. I did really want to see Gabriel. I decided to write him back. I went to my desk and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. Shriek. I heard the sound of someone shrieking down the hall...

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