Middle Of Nowhere

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I felt like i was drifting on water. Literally drifting. I swear I could feel the waves carrying me somewhere, but I wasn't sure where. I could smell the salt water and hear the crashing of a beach not too far off in the distance. I swear there was people yelling at me off in the distance too. But why on earth would I be in the middle of the ocean is a mystery to me. My bed really feels uncomfortable. Maybe if I roll over I can get more comfortable and fall back asleep. Who the hell opened the curtians, its really bright in here. Someone might think it could be mid day.

I rolled over slightly onto my right nad my bed didn't get any more comfortable. "STARLA!!!!" Someone yelled. the voices seemed to be getting louder. Was I getting closer to them. why is my mouth dry? I should really get a glass of water them I could maybe try to sleep again. I slowly sat upright and rubbed my eyes. Why is there so much light?

I opened my eyes and what I didn't see was my flat screan television in front of my bed. I din't see my window either. I saw endless ocean. The day's events came rushing back into my mind and I paniced. Oh shit, i was in a plane chrash. So I did the only thing I could think of, I simply screamed.

"GOD DAMN IT STARLA!!!" Someone yelled over my screaming. I turned my head to see a beach. A small little bubble of hope formed in my mind. Maybe its like a beach in the states or somewhere with civilization. God I hope so!

Who was on the beach anyways? Was Ronnie there? God I hope she's there.

I stuck my hands into the water and started to paddle my way towards the beach. It took some time, but I eventually made it close enough for me to step off of the peice of floating debris and walk the rest of the way onto the beach. I wasn't really watching where I was going because the beach looked so bright. It was in this moment that I wished I had sunglasses with me.

Someone with stong arms pulled me into a hug before I was even standing on the beach. "I can't believe that your still alive," He whispered into my ear. I turned my head and smiled up at Harry. He smiled back down at me before putting me back onto the ground, or rather sand, and a blonde boy pulled me into a hug.

"Yay! We have Starla with us now!" Louis yelled while running towards me. So far we have three out of five of One Direction. I took a proper look around and didn't see anyone else. It was just us four.

"Is there anyone else?" I asked with a hoarse voice. Wow, I think I really need some water now.

Niall and Harry looked at me sadly before shaking their heads. Oh I hope that Ronnie is okay. And the other people on the plane. "This was all my fault," I walked away from the three boys and sat on the beach before pulling my knee's up to my chest and hiding my face.

"How can this be all your fault?" Niall asked while sitting down beside me, "You couldn't have set the engine's on fire that was not your fault."

I looked at im with tears brimming my eyes, "But I shouldn't have got on a plane in the first place. It's my fault because I wasn't meant to go back to New Yourk yet."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "None of this is anyway your fault Starla. Now stop thinking that."

"Starla, this isn't your fault," Harry joined in and sat on my other side. "This is no one's faults."

"Yes," Louis agreed. He sat down in front of me. "Plus we can get through this together. We will find the others and we will get home." He tried to smile at me reasurringly but it didn't really work. It was going to take much more than a few calming words and nice smiles to make me change my mind about this.

I sighed deeply and ran my hands through my messy hair. If only Ronnie was here. She gives me courage. I stood up as fast as I could and the guys looked at me strangely, "Well we don't know how long we are going to be here for, so we might as well build a shelter and all that crap befoer it gets too dark." They raised their eye brows at me and I sighed, "Just treat it like camping or something. So first we have to have a place to sleep and it has to have a roof just incase it rains. We also need some food, clean water and a fire. So we better start to get to work."












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