Stuck and Annoyed

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Ronnie's POV (SURPRISE!!)

I was sweaty and walking. I have been walking for a long time following these two idiots. I swear I had seen this bush many times before because we were literally going no where. I wanted to clops and die right there on the ground. But I couldn't do that, i was determined to find Starla. She was probably dead, but I couldn't give up hope. If I survived, than so did she.

"Why didn't we just stay on the beach?" I groaned and fell onto the ground. The two idiots that I no longer idolize stopped walking and turned to glare at me.

"We are going to find civilization," Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Can we find food first?" I layed down on the dirt.

Liam let out a huge sign, "Can you two please just not start fighting again?"

"Well tell her to get off the ground and keep walking," Zayn crossed his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes, "Well if we get food I will have the energy to keep walking in circles with you."

Zayn opened his mouth to argue with me but Liam slapped his hand over his mouth. "Please don't." Liam pleaded, "I've been hearing you two fight with each other since we started walking yesterday."

Zayn signed and sat down. "Okay fine, Liam you can find food. Since your the responsible one."

Liam rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he walked away and tried to find something to eat. I sat up again and looked at Zayn. He wasn't looking at me. "I hate you." I stated and glared at him.

He raised an eye brow at me, "I thought you were a fan?"

"I was, until I got stuck on an island with you."

He laughed, "Not my fault we are here."

"Not my fault either, so stop being mean to me." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You were mean first."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were."







"SHUT UP!" Liam yelled at us. We both jumped because we didn't see him coming. "We have to get along because we have no idea how long we are going to be stuck here for a long time." My heart sunk. We are stuck here. I'm stuck with Zayn. He was my favorite, but not anymore.

Liam threw some bananas between us and we both grabbed three before munching on them. This was so good after not eating for two days. Liam started eating as well and soon enough most of the bananas were gone.

After that I stood up with a new found confidence and started to walk. Liam and Zayn followed me unsurely. I am going to find Starla. I need to. she won't be able to deal with this with out me.

After a few more minutes of walking we heard some laughter.


Someone laughing...


I started to run and Liam and Zayn were not far behind me. I broke threw the trees and the sudden extra sunlight blinded me long enough for Zayn and Liam to run into my back. I blinked a few times and realized I was now on the ground. the ground was covered in sand... the laughing had stopped.

I looked everywhere frantically. Where are the other human beings who could save me from the horror of being stuck with Zayn?

"Ronnie?" A fimiliar voice said unsurely to my right.

My head snapped towards the PERSON who said that. "STARLA!" I screeched before running as fast as I could towards her. She was frozen for a moment before she ran towards me. It seemed like one of those cheesy moments in the movies with two people running towards each other.

We hugged and the audience went 'Awe'. Well the audience in my head, yea I'm normally like this. So just chill. Nothing has corrupted my brain.

 "Where did you come from?" She asked while still in the hug.

"Probably the other side of the island." I squeezed her tighter, "I was stuck with the annoying grumpy members."

She laughed, "Sure you were. I was stuck with the lazy ones."

I couldn't help but smile, i had my best friend back.

"Oh and I have some good news!" I looked at Starla with a raised eyebrow, "We have your suitcase."

My eyes widened and that was when I realized she was wearing my clothes. "PRAISE THE LORD!" I yelled as loud as I could. Starla just laughed.

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